
What is the BNPs policy on abortion?

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Scotsman. My pleasure! How's Chile, btw?!




  1. They seem to be anti-abortion:

    I just did a quick search of the policy section on their website and only found a reference to a question worded exactly the same as yours.  

  2. Don't you just love yahoo answers even when we don't have a clue what we are talking about we answer anyway.

    as its illegal to be racist how come the BNP exist i wonder for all those who shout racist racist

    oh i couldn't possibly vote BNP they are all wife beaters you know!

  3. I think they have a post-natal abortion policy for some of the worst undesirables.

  4. The BNP doesn't seem to have a policy on abortion. much the same way that Labour, Tory & Liberal don't seem have a policy on preventing illegal immigrants!

  5. I don't care what the BNP's policies are about anything.  

  6. Compulsory for ethnic minorities

  7. Do the BNP actually know what abortion is? can they even spell it? i did´nt even know the BNP had any policy apart from living in the twilight zone.

  8. The BNP is a predominantly Judo-Christian political party & so broadly speaking are against abortion. Although there is no formal policy written into our manifesto on this subject, i would have thought all in all most of the BNP members would be Pro-life.

  9. I believe they are against it for white people and not for non white people. They are a racist group so why do you care what they believe is right or wrong.

  10. God alone knows it will be some idiotic thing, most likely even bnp members are unsure of this policy or which racist policies they do promote.

  11. dear lady moon

    i think they disagree with abortion. only because if they did stand up and say abortion is good they would most likely have to abort them selfs first.

    yoyur answer to my question about the ratification of the EU constitution/treaty was very good. i thank you for it

  12. The BNP only have one policy:

    "Jonny foreigner, go home"

    Then they go home and give the wife a quick beating.

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