
What is the Best ...?

by  |  earlier

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what is the best bits to use for hack class and am i better of gettin a double bit or single bit briddle and m i better of gettin double rains too

please help me





  1. I use a full cheek snaffle. I just bought a 5". my mare out grew the 41/2".

  2. I don't really know about hack classes?  But when training your horse try using a bit and bosal or halter.  I if you don't like rawhide bosals(I don't) then use a halter and attach reins to the bottom ring then put on his bridle with a bit and reins. He should now be doubled reined.  This way if you need more pressure you won't hurt his mouth because you can switch to just the halter reins.  I used this method on my paso and it taught him to not push on his bit.  Eventually he will learn to be more responsive with just one bit.   Hope this helps! Good Luck!

  3. If your horse doesnt need a double bit, dont get one....only use what you have too to control your horse, you dont want to over do it with your tack....

  4. For a hunter hack you should go with a dee-ring snaffle. Those are the preferred bit in the hunter ring (that's why they're known as "Hunter Dee's") They're nice and light and show the judge that your horse doesn't need a complicated bit to keep it under control. Don't use double reins unless you are doing dressage or equitation and you've been properly trained to use them.  
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