
What is the Canadian "SAS"?

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there is the Special Air Service (SAS) which is british, i was wondering if there is something like that in canada....




  1. Yes Mountie A*S*S

  2. Joint Task Force 2

    JTF 2 was created on April 1, 1993, when the Canadian Forces (CF) accepted responsibility for federal counter-terrorism operations from the RCMP. Since its inception, the unit has continuously evolved to meet modern-day threats. In order to maintain an edge in its operational environment, JTF 2 is continuously developing new capabilities, technologies, and tactics.

    The year 2001 marked an important milestone in the history of JTF 2. The unit was committed to the international Special Operations Forces coalition in Afghanistan. This deployment was the first time JTF 2 was used in a major combat role outside Canada. The unit continues to play a critical role in coalition Special Operations Forces and has earned the respect of Canada’s allies for its professionalism.


    Canadian Special Operations Regiment

    The Canadian Special Operations Regiment is a highly trained high mobility force that is capable of independent operations as well as supporting both special and conventional operations forces. The battalion sized unit is made up of specialized companies with a host of skills that enable them to operate in a variety of terrains and environments. Drawn from all parts of the CF, they provide the Commander CANSOFCOM with the ability to insert forces in any part of the world by conventional and non-conventional means. Highly flexible and adaptable, they are able to operate in small groups for extended periods of time without requiring significant logistical support.


    Also check out:

    427 Special Operations Aviation Squadron

    Canadian Joint Incident Response Unit

  3. It's not called the SAS, but it is called the Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2) was formed on April 1, 1993 and is the Canadian Forces unit responsible for federal counter-terrorist operations. Its mission is to provide a unit capable of rendering armed assistance in the resolution of an incident that is affecting, or has the potential to affect, the national interest. JTF2 is subordinate to the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command and, along with the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), forms the core of Canada's special operations forces.

    While the unit has a primary focus on counter-terrorism, its roles have expanded over the years and it has likely assumed roles similar to that of other allied SOF units such as the British Special Air Service (SAS) and the United States Delta Force.

    The Canadian government has been very secretive about releasing any information about the capabilities, organization and operational missions of the unit. However, some information has appeared. In 2002, author David Pugliese published a book, "Canada's Secret Commandos: The Unauthorized Story of Joint Task Force Two". This is the first book to examine JTF2 seriously. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has a web page with information on the unit.

    Official site:

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