
What is the Cheapest form of Energy? or Which as lowest production cost and cost to consumers- Solar, Wind, et

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Im looking to start a business and I would like 2 know which form of energy is cheaper to produce among wind, solar, water currents, etc




  1. Huuuuummmmmaaaannnnn

  2. Oil and Gas.

  3. Unless your going to get some state and federal rebates and tax breaks then solar is out.  You need to get it for $2.00 a watt to get paid back in a reasonable amount of time.  

    If you want to go into big business then you have these options:   Build a dam and then water power is free except for maintenance.  Same for Wind.  Otherwise Coal is cheap.  Nuke plants are expensive to build but the fuel will last a long time before refueling is needed but maintenance and disposal is high.

  4. I would go with solar and wind, my first pick would be solar.

    Depending on where you live is the next question and where your business will be located. Is it sunny most of the time where you live? Is it windy?

    Good Luck!

  5. the chemical energy found in food :)

    start a restaurant!

  6. Ausra has a nice technique for generating solar power. They don't use photovoltaic cells or panels, instead they use mirrors, banked and tilted to focus sunlight on a pipe filled with liquid. The sunlight causes the liquid to boil and the steam is used to turn a turbine to produce electricity, then it's recycled back into a liquid. Elegant and simple and you could probably mimic it on a smaller scale if you tried. I'd love it if they came out with a home kit, many of us would enjoy selling power back to the utility company and their cost is closing in on 10 cents/kwh.

  7. Solar energy is cheapest by far.   I go outside every morning and warm up in the sun while eating breakfast.

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