
What is the Comedic High-Point of John McCain's Campaign?

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Since it has already been established that McCain is campaigning for the lulz and nothing more, I think his COMPLETE INEPTITUDE is the comedic high-point of the old, out of touch Republican's campaign. What do you think?




  1. Something tells me you don't care what I think.  You obviously graduated from one of our upstanding highschools.  You think the democratic campaign is in touch?  Call Bill Ayers, he wants to do more and perhaps you would help him?

  2. Him sarcastically saying '... and what does Obama want you to do, blow up your tires' then later on admitting that AAA recommends maximum suggested tire pressure for the best possible mileage. funny that his plan of drilling here there and everywhere would increase our supply by 1% and the simple tire suggestion offers about a 5% increase in economy. Who better to follow "shoot from the hip" George than "shoot from the hip" John?

    So far that's my favorite but I have faith that even more humor will flow from him before November.

  3. I like it when he sang bomb iran or called his wife a cvnt or himself a hero.

    He also forgot that he owns homes and that people picking lettuce do it for less than $50 an hour.

    The person below me licks old McCAin balls.



  4. As bad as he may seem, he is going to mop the floor with the putz you Dems nominated.  You'll see.

  5. Yet, he looks 10 years younger than Biden!

  6. he hasn't hit it yet, then there will be a melt down

  7. That McCain is an old white guy. Now we have Biden that is an old white guy. So, that pretty much ends the media from complaining about old white guys.

  8. I think the funniest part was when he was asked a completely irrelevant question about how many houses he owns.  

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