
What is the Cost of living in Italy?

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anyone know some current costs of living or travel in Italy?




  1. It's high... And it gets more expensive...

  2. Italy has gotten a little more expensive with the rise of the Euro against the US dollar, but a typical lunch can still be had for around $6 USD... a great site to see many more current costs is

  3. yeah , its like

    on average 400$ a night to stay in a hotel.

    hope i helped!

  4. expensive....very

  5. you have to consider that euro is now 1.5usdollar. anyway the cost of living is very expensive because people tha have an activity for example a restaurant or supermaket actually want to gain money and they established high prices for goods. so pay attention because the majority of italians are burglars... especially in south italy (rome NAPLES PALERMO)

  6. Hi!

    The cost of living in Italy is quite high!


  7. Apparently unlike some here, I actually live in Italy and so I have some idea of how much that costs. But I'm not Italian, so I don't have peculiar ideas about what "expensive" means in a wider context. To be fair, many Italians are feeling economically pinched these days for reasons we need not go into here, but the fact that they are finding it difficult to maintain a certain standard of living on their income does not mean that Italy is "very expensive" by any objective standard. It's also the case that few Italians actually travel abroad, so they can have unrealistic ideas about how much better off people are in other countries.

    In my experience, the cost of living in Italy is roughly comparable to that in other European countries. That is not to say that everything costs the same as elsewhere in Europe. For example, fuel for cars is a bit more expensive and tolls for motorways a lot more expensive than in places like The Netherlands, Germany and Britain where there are none or very few toll roads. But, on the other hand, food is a lot cheaper and it's possible to have a nice meal (including wine) in a restaurant for around €20. The cost of wine here is a joke compared to what you'd pay in Britain for something of equivalent quality. On the other hand, utilities (like electricity and gas) cost more here than anywhere else in Europe and those costs are passed on even to tourists. But property taxes - which also have an impact of the prices charged by businesses - are a lot lower than in Britain.

    It's difficult to give you exact numbers without knowing what you consider a benchmark for the cost of living. Also, the expenses you consider important as a tourist are not the same expenses we who live here permanently have to worry about and it's not clear from your question if you're a potential tourist or retiree.

    It is indeed possible to spend hundreds of dollars on a single night in a hotel in central Rome or Milan. It's also possible to spend €75 for a night in very comfortable accommodation at an agriturismo in a beautiful country setting.

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