
What is the EU and what does it have to do with international schooling and why are prices so much without it?

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What is the EU and what does it have to do with international schooling and why are prices so much without it? What are some pros and cons of going abroad?




  1. The European Union is a confederation of countries in eastern and western Europe.

    The EU issues policy directives to the member states/countries, which then implements them. However, unlike the USA (which has a federalist, not confederate model) each country is free to implement the policy directives as it sees fit, and cannot be directly overridden by the EU.

    It has nothing to do with international schooling, though it has everything to do with schooling in Europe -- specifically, within EU member states/countries. Given that most European nations subsidize schooling even for foreigners, the reason that it cots more outside the EU is because you're paying all the bill yourself.

  2. EU controls the trade and economy of the member countries.  It controls the prices of commodities.

  3. EU is a project in Mars. NASA wants  a lot of money to take you there....Stupid!

  4. The Maastricht Treaty creates the European Union, which consists of three pillars: the European Communities, common foreign and security policy and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

    The first pillar consists of the European Community, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and Euratom and concerns the domains in which the Member States share their sovereignty via the Community institutions. The process known as the Community method applies in this connection, i.e. a proposal by the European Commission, its adoption by the Council and the European Parliament and the monitoring of compliance with Community law by the Court of Justice.

    The second pillar establishes common foreign and security policy (CFSP), enshrined in Title V of the Treaty on European Union. This replaces the provisions of the Single European Act and allows Member States to take joint action in the field of foreign policy. This pillar involves an intergovernmental decision-making process which largely relies on unanimity. The Commission and Parliament play a modest role and the Court of Justice has no say in this area.

    The third pillar concerns cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs (JHA), provided for in Title VI of the Treaty on European Union. The Union is expected to undertake joint action so as to offer European citizens a high level of protection in the area of freedom, security and justice. The decision-making process is also intergovernmental.

    Main objectives:

    •strengthen the democratic legitimacy of the institutions;

    •improve the effectiveness of the institutions;

    •establish economic and monetary union;

    •develop the Community social dimension;

    •establish a common foreign and security policy.


    • promotion of employment;

    • improvement of living and working conditions;

    • adequate social protection;

    • social dialogue;

    • the development of human resources to ensure a high and sustainable level of employment;

    • the integration of persons excluded from the labour market.


    • the right to circulate and reside freely in the Community;

    • the right to vote and to stand as a candidate for European and municipal elections in the State in which he or she resides;

    • the right to protection by the diplomatic or consular authorities of a Member State other than the citizen's Member State of origin on the territory of a third country in which the state of origin is not represented;

    • the right to petition the European Parliament and to submit a complaint to the Ombudsman.

  5. EU is the European Union. Although they don't have a formal constitution, they developed and trade in Euros. Currently the Euro and the Pound (English) are up against the dollar. That kind of thing is a consensual give and take in the currency markets to keep the world economy afloat.

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