
What is the English and Australian opinion of American Football,in particular,the New England Patriots?

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Do not any of you sit on the s**+tter and read your local paper's sports section?

What do the aussie,aussie,aussie sports writers say about american football (NFL)?

What do the English Times Sports section say about the NFL?




  1. American football sucks so bad its that boring to us aussies

  2. you mean that sport thats on those high school movies?

    like with the shoulder pads and helmets?

    looks pretty g*y to me.



  3. To answer your question (from an English point of view) the NFL never gets mentioned in sports pages. Even some of the sports we play struggle to displace football from the back pages.

    Personally I quite enjoy the spectacle of the game and appreciate the culture of the event. It is sometimes shown on Sky TV here. However, my interest doesn't really extend to the actual sport, and I usually end up changing channels after about 15-20 minutes. Having said that, I went to see the Edmonton Eskimos in a Canadian game and loved it.

    I wouldn't take any notice of the Australians dismissing the game. They tend to dismiss anything that isn't Australian, and they have a specific gene which refuses to allow them to ever say anything remotely positive about anything American or English... It's called an inferiority complex.

  4. Aussie here........ huge effort last season, i thought they had the super bowl in the bag! generally speaking as a game  it seem very strategic.... and i think coaching staff must put in a lot of effort to come up with the plays they do, I'm pretty sure there is a couple of Aussies over there playing as kickers, i know 1 of them plays for the Dallas cowboys..... not sure who the other plays for!

    i don't watch regularly but i do watch when when it is the business end of the season!

    have you ever watched a game of rugby league....... it is a very fast and entertaining game... ohh and they don't use pads and helmets.

    here is a video..... have a look at how we do it!

  5. I am from england, well i think american football is more suited to the culture of americans as it was created by them and has a lot of history behind them whereas ameican football has no history through out its history of that interest in foreign countries as they these countries havent adopted your sport although the NFL are trying to lure new fans from abroad. I am not a fan of american football but thats because i have grown up watching football ( soccer) like a lot of countries where a passion for this sport has grown over the years from generation to generation, the same could be said to countries like india where cricket is the dominant sport and watched by its people yet cricket does not interest those in Brazil say. I think people who like the sport from britain or australia may like it but wouldnt get too drawn into it as they will be more interested in their own sports, me included.

  6. We know it's a product of Rugby and we believe that Rugby is tougher, no pads and helmets.  

    I don't understand all the stop and start stuff.  They throw the ball down the field and stop and talk about it for two minutes and do it again.  Can't they just keep the ball moving.  (That might be a good gridiron question I can ask)

    Overall, it's unique to America only and we never see it.  You get the Super Bowl grand final score, but the news is more interested in showing the ads.

    Is New England a gridiron club, or something?

    To the bloke below - Are you sure you're Australian mate?  You seem to know loads about gridiron.

  7. Its ***** s**+..t. So is rugby union and GAYFL in Australia. The only real football is rugby league

  8. i like the nfl, i like the pats too.

  9. Australians hate it.

    They think its for pansies, and say its boring.

    Some actually like it, but in general, Australians just don't care about it.

    Trust me I know, I'm American, and everytime I bring it up it leads to a bashing about George Bush and how ignorant Americans are.  Some Aussies will deny this, but go look on search on youtube for like Darren Bennett, Sav Rocca, etc, and you'll see Americans get so much hate.

    Other than those asswipes though, Aussies are quite welcoming people.  You should watch AFL sometime, too.

  10. as an aussie, i find NFL - B O R I N G  (forgive me Dwayne!)

    now AFL, there's a REAL sport.  not to mention some prime examples of fine male flesh... (cold shower time!)

  11. iam english and in my opinion american football is too stop start, it all seems to be about advertising. iam a football fan ( soccer) dont really like rugby either but is watchable.  they tried launching american football over here in the very late eighties but it never really took off, i guess it would be the same if they did the same with english football or rugby over in the states

  12. Gridiron is so slow compared to many other football codes because they have those stupid time-outs and huddles for the next play!  

    If it got rid of them and just played the game with only breaks for injury or 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 time, it would be more interesting to watch.

    I always liked the LA Raiders as they had the best logo.

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