
What is the Federal Goverment doing to help the indiviual home owner that has bvictum of a bad loan , and how?

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What is the Federal Goverment doing to help the indiviual home owner that has bvictum of a bad loan , and how?




  1. If you mean bad as in the homeowner didn't do homework in considering the conditions of the loan, then I don't believe it is the government's job.

    If you mean that the there was fraud involved, that would be the responsibility of the state and local legal apparatus.

  2. seek help from CAB (citizines advice buruea)

  3. The only "victims of bad loans" are those whose lenders violated the terms of the loan agreement signed by the borrower.  If the lender stuck to the loan agreement as signed, the onus is on the borrower to repay as agreed, even if interest rates rose -- the borrower agreed to adjustable rates.

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