
What is the Funniest thing your CHILD/ GRANDCHILD has said or done...?

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1 of mine is when i was babysitting and we were at a restaurant called bananza and i said to my 3 year old grandaughter she could get ice cream after she finished her veggies... i walked away and came back in a matter of seconds, and they were all gone and she was laughing... it turns out my husband ate all of them for her... well, she didnt know i knew but when i took her up to get icecream i asked her why she was still laughing, and she said, "Grampi ate all my veggies." when i got back to the table i sat her is her booster seat and said grandpa! you get no dessert... as a joke... And my grandaughter started laughing hystarically and slammed her face right down in her icecream... she picked her head up, still laughing... with icecream all over her face still laughing, and with the biggest eyes ever said, I love ice cream and continued eating like nothing ever happened...




  1. my 3 year old daughter and i was at the pool of a hotel we are staying at and my daughter got out of the pool and went up to a older lady and said hi grandma then another older woman came up and she said 2 grandma' me it was very funny because she has never done that before

  2. LOL That is funny! Cute! Yesterday my 2 yr old daughter was running around the living room and she had some fruity pebbles in a bowl (no milk, just cereal), and she spilled them. Well I was going to vacuum it up as soon as I was done eating, but I guess that just wasn't acceptable to her. (keep in mind when reading this that when she is doing something wrong I will clap my hands loudly to get her attention) She went to the vacuum and said "Mommy Vacuum!" and I said "You want me to vacuum?" she said "Vacuum NOW!" and clapped her hands loud at me w/a mean look on her face. It was hilarious! So cute too. She's bossy! LOL! =)

  3. Ok...Infact it was just sunday that my son did so funny...

    we were at the amusement a huge crowd...and in front of all my family....

    he had a hotdog and wiggled it and said weiner..weiner..

  4. When my son was three we were driving (near some marsh) and out of nowhere he said he wanted some hotdogs. We said he'd have to wait and maybe we would have them for lunch that day but he was kept saying he wanted them now. We couldnt figure out what had spurred the sudden craving and then he said, "Look, I hungry, hot dog plants!" Then we realized he had been talking about the cattails that were lining the road. LOL

  5. What a cute story, make me laugh!

    My daughter is only 15 months old, so she hasn't said anything funny yet. But yesterday I was getting ready to do some shopping and she got her sippy up and said "let's go", I guess she was all ready!

  6. When my son was 4 we went out to a fairly nice restaurant that didn't seem to have a kids menu.  When the waitress came, he told her "I'd like a grilled cheese please".  She told him they didn't serve grilled cheese.  He said "Do you have bread?" she nodded.  "Do you have cheese?"  She nodded.  He said "Then I 'd like a grilled cheese please."  She laughed, but brought it to him.  Then for dessert he asked for a milkshake.  She said they didn't serve milkshakes there.  He asked her "Do you have milk?" and she said (prepared this time she thought!!) "Yes we have milk, but we don't have any icecream."  He thought about it for a second and then looked at her and said "Well do you have a car?"  I thought she was going to fall on the floor laughing so hard.

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