
What is the Future job for me?

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So for school we need to know what to do when where 35. im shy dont talk at school but talk alot at home so whats the good job for me




  1. So since you are quiet around people you don't know well, probably not a sales person  :)

    What else do you like? Do you have any sports or hobbies you love? Do you want to go to university, college, finish high school, etc? Do you want to travel or do you prefer stability of place?

    For example, if you love to read and are willing to get a Master's degree, maybe you might become a librarian (with an MLIS)?

    What about an engineer if you like maths/science?

    Or if you love photography and become very good at it you could be a local newspaper photographer or a traveling photojournalist for some place like National Geographic.  

    Are you very mechanical? Maybe you can become an apprentice and one day a mechanic or carpenter?

    The world is literally open to you doing anything, so have fun with the question  :)

  2. when you get older you will know what you want to do with your life

  3. You need to find a job that will allow you to expand your comfort zones slowly.  Try to identify a field of interest that you have now, and then research possible careers around that.  Being shy shouldn't be any detriment to your career if you are doing something you have passion for.

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