
What is the GPA for...?

by  |  earlier

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please, i do not want about, or approximatley, i want to know the exact GPA you have to get to get into ucla, thank you so much:)




  1. It's not just the GPA, it's other things on your resume which will determine whether or not you get in.

    Shoot for 4.0, or above by the way.

    Also, doing Community Service will look good. Becoming a leader or secretary at a club at your school also looks great on your resume.

  2. More than 3.0 is for sure. If you want to be EXACT get 4.0 but I am sure they have accepted less. I got into a 2 year school and Got my AA in Graphic Design with a 3.75GPA And i did not even work hard for that. I went to a continuation school and made up my crappy grades and did NO work to do so. Tada... 3.75 GPA for all 4 years. I got my AA in Graphic Design and now working on m BA in Game Art and Design. SCHOOL is easy.

  3. There is none.  People have gotten into Ivies with B-C averages, but with outstanding extracurriculars.  For undergraduates, extracurriculars show taht you are well rounded and don't just focus on grades, etc.

  4. It's not JUST the GPA that matters. The GPA ranges, depending on each individual student. For example, a student who has a 3.8 GPA but is highly active in extracurricular activities still has a chance to get in.

    The average GPA of students that get in is around a 4.2 though.

  5. to get to college




      it how you ranke in your school it good to ranked on top 25 10 i way better gl

  6. probably like 3.5 and up  and other things on the resume

    any clubs or after school programs

    answer mine

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