
What is the Highest Tip you ever left?

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What is the Highest Tip you ever left?




  1. The highest tip I have ever left was 50%.  The highest tip I ever received was 150%.

  2. 150

  3. $35

  4. About £20 for 2 people. I was feeling generous

  5. i go to the same resturant bout twice a week and always leave $10

  6. $100 on a $200 check due tothe fantastic service we received from the young lady who was our server.....she made the evening perfect for us.

  7. think it was 10 for 3 people

  8. $100.

  9. Fifty... it was a good night.

  10. In the U.S., 20% of the bill (yes- INCLUDING wine) is what is considered an appropriate tip for good service at a nice restaurant.  If the service is exceptional, I leave more... less if it wasn't memorable, and generally, I'll tip a bartender 25-30% of the bill on average.  I have been known however, to leave 100% of the bill as a tip on rare circumstances.  I'm not made of money, so I do have to watch what I spend.  I think my highest personal tab was $1,000 for me and 3 friends, and I left $300 because the evening was flawless.  But that's just me.  Some people I know do that kind of thing nightly.  The highest single tip I've ever received waiting tables was $1,500 (probably 10 years ago in Aspen, CO) , but that was on a huge tab and was a larger group.

    P.S.- Since I've left this reply, I've gotten two downed thumbs.  Could it be from your own cheapness or from the fact that, once upon a time, I made amazing money?  The question was about tipping, and I, for one, tip at the very most OFFENSIVELY 15% for horrendous service. And at that point, I usually add a written reason WHY!  I always go above and beyond the 20% point, and I always will.

  11. I left $25 on a $50 check (that was just my check). b/c one of the ladies that was with us was so rude to our server and didn't leave a tip.

    I've been a server for three years and I know what it is like to deal with people like her.

  12. 5 buccs

  13. onece i left 1200 euro tip at a new year eves party.


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