
What is the History of Online Greyhound Betting?

by Guest66057  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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Online grey hound betting is a recent phenomenon, I am currently working on, trends in online sports betting and would like to know, complete historic details of Online Greyhound Betting.




  1. History of Online Greyhound Betting

    The sport of greyhound racing has been around for centuries and was especially popular among the ancient Egyptians more than 4,000 years ago. Throughout the ages, greyhound racing has maintained a status as a gentleman’s sport. Nobles, kings and pharaohs have all partaken in greyhound betting.

    Modern day greyhound racing has a lot more competition from other sports but it still remains a popular pastime. Live greyhound tracks can be found in most large cities, but not everyone has access to greyhound tracks. As a result, online greyhound betting has become extremely popular recently. With online greyhound betting, it is no longer necessary to travel for miles to the nearest greyhound track.

    All a person needs today is a computer, a connection to the internet and a little money. With those three things in hand, anyone can place bets on greyhound races from anywhere in the world. The betting sites listed here all support greyhound racing.

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