
What is the History of the church?

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What is the History of the church?




  1. History of Church:

    The first Christians were, like Jesus, Jews resident in Israel who worshiped on occasion in the Temple in Jerusalem and weekly in local synagogues. Temple worship was a ritual involving sacrifice, occasionally including the sacrifice of animals in atonement for sin, offered to Yahweh until Jesus became the final sacrificial offering on Calvary. The New Testament includes many references to Jesus visiting the Temple, the first time as an infant with his parents.

    The early history of the synagogue is obscure, but it seems to be an institution developed for public Jewish worship during the Babylonian captivity when the Jews did not have access to the Jerusalem Temple for ritual sacrifice. Instead, they developed a daily and weekly service of readings from the Torah or the prophets followed by commentary. This could be carried out in a house if the attendance was small enough, and in many towns of the Diaspora that was the case. In others, more elaborate architectural settings developed, sometimes by converting a house and sometimes by converting a previously public building. The minimum requirements seem to have been a meeting room with adequate seating, a case for the Torah scrolls, and a raised platform for the reader and preacher.

    Jesus himself participated in this sort of service as a reader and commentator and his followers probably remained worshipers in synagogues in some cities. However, following the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70, the new Christian movement and Judaism increasingly parted ways. The Church became overwhelmingly Gentile sometime in the 2nd century.

    The Syrian city of Dura-Europos on the West bank of the Euphrates was an outpost town between the Roman and Parthian empires. During a siege by Parthian troops in A.D. 257 the buildings in the outermost blocks of the city grid were partially destroyed and filled with rubble to reinforce the city wall. Thus were preserved and securely dated the earliest decorated church and a synagogue decorated with extensive wall paintings. Both had been converted from earlier private buildings.

    The church at Dura Europos has a special room dedicated for baptisms with a large baptismal font.

    From: Mickey Mouse

  2. which church? which history? christ alive (excuse the pun), it's going to take a loooot more than yahoo! answers to give you a history of the church. like, centuries of research, writings, theories, documentation. and it's still a freaken mystery.

  3. Church History: A Simple Chronology

    Church history is rather complex, but an understanding of the basics is very worthwhile. The following is a simple chronology of church history adapted from Bruce Shelley's Church History in Plain Language:

    # (30-70 AD) The Time of Jesus and the Apostles The death and resurrection of Christ.

    # The Christian faith is birthed and the gospel of grace is preached.

    # (70-312) The Age of Catholic Christianity The spread of the Christian faith; martyrdom of the early believers.

    # Early heresies sprouted; first church councils and the canonizing of scripture.

    # (312-590) The Age of the Christian Empire Constantine declares Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire; Age of great councils.

    # Christianity became a faith for the masses; start of Monasticism.

    # (590-1517) The Middle Ages The fall of Rome and the Byzantine empire.

    # Benedictine monks deployed as missionaries; the pope becomes the "ruler" of the church.

    # The crusades: The church gains the world but looses it soul.

    # (1517-1648) The Age of Reformation Martin Luther and the protestant movement.

    # The start of denominationalism - Examples: Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist and Anglican.

    # The papacy looses it power and influence.

    # (1648-1789) The Age of Reason and Revival Secularism -- The mind becomes god; people begin to ask, "Who needs God?"

    # Revivals such as Pietism, Methodism and the Great Awakening seek to restore God to public life.

    # (1789-1914) The Age of Progress The message of Christ is carried to distant lands, but the faith continues to leave public life.

    # Pluralistic and totalitarian societies see no relevance for Christianity.

    (1912-current) The Age of Ideologies…

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  4. more info required, a specific building, say St Paul's cathedral. A religion, Judaism , Hinduism, budist. A sect of the Christian church, roman catholic, anglican, orthodox, mormons

  5. the church was created as a gate for priests to touch little boys in the 5th century b.c.

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