
What is the Hottest Temperature This Week for Where You Live?

by  |  earlier

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If you add Heat Index - please use 2 seperate numbers.

Here, in DC, it's only got up to 92 F. (without the Head Index) --

But, the Air Quality is "BLACK" - which is the FLAG COLOR, that the Marine Corps Barracks, (that have the Underground Passage to the White House), raises

This means that even THEY are not allowed to JOG outside on those days (to the best of my knowledge)


You ??





  1. Air temperature: 96 farenheit

    Heat Index: 103 farenheit

    Funnnnnnn, Thank You God for Central Air

  2. STL , MO. is 96 degree, with a heat advisory in effect. Heat index is 102 and could get up to 106.

    It sucks, I don't have central AC!

  3. 97 F central illinois

  4. Air temp: 103 °F

    Heat Index:  110 °F


  5. I live In New York City and on Saturday it went up to 97 without the heat index being added in.

    I think the heat index went up to about 105 or so that day.

    And the air quality has been really bad the last few days here as well.

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