
What is the Islamic ruling on Inter sexed people?

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People that are born with ambiguous s*x organs or are genetically not male (XY) or female (XX). How do they follow the gender roles? Do they have gender roles for such people?




  1. People with ambigous genitalia can follow the gender roles as  you can determine the gender though through various methods by doctors.  I most people with it choose to have corrective surgery to remove or create reproductive organs appropriate for the gender of the person.  There is an increased risk for tumour so i guess most people choose to go in for sugery otherwise they would be putting themselves up for harm and life would be difficult.From then i guess the person will follow the gender roles.

  2. Wow whats the obsession with this gender related subject....?

    The Quran is a  guidance to follow.

    to your question I don't know, and I wasn't here then otherwise I would have given you the same answer!

    Pick up the Quran and begin reading.

  3. Well, Muslims say homosexuals aren't born with homosexuality; I wouldn't be surprised if they'd come out and denied that these people are born with such problems.

    They choose to!

  4. I do not know of any Quranic verses that pertain to that topic. But as for the opinions of scholars, that is up to the person (or his/her parents if the decision is made at birth) to decide depending on how much closer he/she is to the s*x of a male or female. So, you have someone who is born with ambiguous s*x organs, if he/she has s*x organs closer to that of a male, then he is male and the same applies to a child born with s*x organs closer to that of a female. Now, that can be chosen at birth whether the parents decide that they are closer to one gender by surgery and the child will be brought up as a boy or girl. It is highly recommended that it be done at a young age, to avoid confusion and difficulty for that child at an older age. The reason surgery would have to be considered is because sometimes the genitals can be hidden.

    I think you should have a look at this Fatwa regarding that topic:

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