
What is the Jonas Brother's personal phone number?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I'd really like the Jonas Brother's personal phone number. It's my birthday and the one thing I really want is for the Jonas Brothers (especially Nick) to sing "happy birthday" to me. No fake numbers, swearing or rejection hot-lines please!




  1. Since it's your birthday, I'll tell you.

    Well, my best friend's grandma's brother's grand daughter's husband's dog's friend's friend's cousin's sister's owner's friend's friend's cousin's fifth cousin once removed sister's niece's uncle's wife's sister-in-law's brother's girlfriend's wife's son's cousin's friend's friend is my best friend's cousin's friend's friend's friend's sister's friend! So I know the number! It's 911-481-4890. But don't tell anybody!

  2. You can try There personal assistants number, but I don't think she will give the message ( i heard she's rude) Jenny is her name. Just tell her it's your birthday.


  3. OH OH OH OH!!!!!

    I KNOW!!!

    It's 972-836-0066

    XD JK JK JK!!! We BOTH know what that is.

    Good luck on finding it. XD (sorry I felt like commenting...even tho you asked me this yesterday) ROFL! I have no life.

    Hummm, Do you know what!!! I'll go call my BFF Demi and ask her. XD

    And then after that I will go call my husband Nick Jonas myself and find out. I'm sure he will know!! Then we will go to our beach house in FL and spend the day eating ice cream.

    ROFL! jk jk jk

    (Sorry I dont know what else to say. lol)

  4. This is a joke right?

  5. It's really hard to contact celebrities, escpecially the Jonas Brothers, they are very famous!

    There is really no way to contact them if you want them to reply back to you. I would say Myspace is the best please to try to contact them. Also, to send them fan mail or call them on their fan phone number.

    There fan mail address is:

    The Jonas Brothers

    c/o Hollywood Records

    500 S. Buena Vista St.

    Burbank, CA 91521

    Fan phone number:


  6. Shouldn't this be in "jokes & riddles"?

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