Your Question
Is it Illegal for a School or District NOT to Inform Me of Non-Reelection as a Teacher?
I have been researching this matter over a few days and have not found an answer to this question. I taught in a temporary, year-long position as an elementary school teacher.
At the end of the year (May 15), I was given a letter of release (NOT non-reelection) that said I could apply to the district again. When I DID apply, however, I found out that I was non-reelected (through a principal at a different school who was going to interview me). I was NOT told by the district or my site principal. Shouldn't I have been issued a letter of non-reelection or have been told I couldn't apply again? Technically, I was not non-reelected because I was never officially told. But the district refuses to interview me and this is all behind my back. I have done nothing derogatory that I know of whatsoever. This seems illegal!