
What is the Los Angeles of Canada?

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I am considering moving to Canada, but my job skills are in the T.V. and film industry. I'm curious to know where/what is the Los Angeles of Canada? Where does the majority of T.V. and film production take place?




  1. i think its a tie between Vancouver and Toronto. one of the more recent shows in canada, Flash Point is filmed in Toronto.

    Point Peeley is the southern most point of Ontario which lines up with northern California on the globe.

  2. Windsor

  3. Vancouver.  Many US TV shows and films are shot there.  

  4. There is a large community up here that handles film and television show production. The two main areas are Toronto (nicknamed Hollywood North) and Vancouver. Montreal also gets a lot of film production here because of our look and feel of a European community.

    Film and TV production companies like to do work up here because they can get local talent and extras for a lot less than they would have to pay in USA, and they get film crews that have the same talent and skills as a US crew also for less cost.

    Perhaps this will give you an example:

    1) The X-Files TV series was filmed on location in Vancouver area during its initial seasons.

    2) Sue Thomas, FB Eye is filmed in Toronto

    3) Movies like Snake Eyes, Day After Tomorrow, and Catch Me If You Can all had scenes with filming locations in Montreal.

  5. Either Vancouver or Toronto.  A lot of TV shows on American television are actually shot in Vancouver.  EG  X-Files and Stargate, to name just two.  The link below will give you an idea.

  6. Toronto has slightly more production than Vancouver and in fact is only second behind LaLa Land in the world I thnk but maybe just North America.  That said, the industry here in vancouver seems to have weathered the higher dollar and actors strike and still lots of product being produced here too.

    I'd say, attitude, climate wise that Vancouver is the LA of Canada with the west coast bent (not say we have LAs climate just a whole lot better than To's)

    you can probably enter as a temporary worker immediately and eaasiest.  and then apply for PR in skilled worker class;  theres an online test to see if you qualify as immigrant at Immigration Canada

  7. Toronto

  8. Toronto is number one now.

    Montreal was number one at one time.

    Vancouver is number 3.

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