
What is the MEDICAL reason (an medical reason only) that you can't smoke pot while your preggers?

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i know its against the law or whatever, I am just curious what the Mary Jane will do to the baby???!!!!




  1. I can and is known to cause growth retardation which usually results in low birth weight BUT my mom smoked pot while she was pregnant with me and my 2 brothers and we are just fine so IDK??

  2. i feel sorry for your baby

    your gonna be a terrible mother

    good luck with that (Y)

  3. Google "Marijuana fetal development"

  4. It can cause retardation

  5. Birth defects, low birth weight, premature babies and they have alot of issues normally if you deliver early. Try to google or just talk to your Dr Im sure it can break it down for you! Cant you give it up for just 9 months!

  6. They can have birth defects. Why would you want to do that to your baby?!  

  7. "Smoking pot while pregnant - Will it harm the baby later on?"

    "Research studies have shown that women who use recreational drugs during pregnancy tend to use marijuana, thinking that it won't harm the fetus as much as other illegal substances. Although no clear-cut deformity or syndrome is known to occur due to marijuana use during pregnancy (as there is from alcohol use, for example, with fetal alcohol syndrome), there are possible dangers.

    First of all, smoking anything during pregnancy deprives the fetus of oxygen. Just as smoking tobacco is discouraged in pregnant women, so is smoking marijuana. Smoking any type of substance interferes with the fetus's blood supply. This can mean the fetus doesn't get enough oxygen, and s/he may be born smaller in both weight and length. Smaller babies have a higher risk of other problems after birth, such as infections, severe jaundice, difficulty feeding, breathing problems, low blood sugar, difficulty regulating temperature, bleeding into the brain, and problems with vision.

    Secondly, marijuana is frequently and unpredictably "cut" with other substances. So the fetus may be unintentionally exposed to other potentially harmful substances in addition to marijuana."

    Quoted from:

    We can't stop you, but think about the little one in you before you do it.  Would you really want to hurt your baby like that?

  8. well 1 joint is like 20 cigarettes right?  And smoking has many bad effect on a baby.  So if you don't know the effects on baby from smoking look it up.  I would say just don't smoke pot while pregnant.

  9. Top Five Marijuana Myths

    Marijuana Can Cause Permanent Mental Illness

    Marijuana Is Highly Addictive

    Marijuana Is More Potent Today Than In The Past

    Marijuana Offenses Are Not Severely Punished

    Marijuana Is More Damaging to the Lungs Than Tobacco

    Or click to read other common myths.

    More Marijuana Myths

    Marijuana Has No Medicinal Value

    Marijuana Is a Gateway Drug

    Marijuana's Harms Have Been Proved Scientifically

    Marijuana Causes an Amotivational Syndrome

    Marijuana Policy in the Netherlands is a Failure

    Marijuana Kills Brain Cells

    Marijuana Impairs Memory and Cognition

    Marijuana Causes Crime

    Marijuana Interferes With Male and Female s*x Hormones

    Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Damages the Fetus

    Marijuana Use Impairs the Immune System

    Marijuana's Active Ingredient, THC, Gets Trapped in Body Fat

    Marijuana Use is a Major Cause Of Highway Accidents

    Marijuana Related Hospital Emergencies Are Increasing, Particularly Among Youth

    Marijuana Use Can Be Prevented  

  10. no one knows for sure

    nobody has done tests on people who are pregnant with MJ

    but i know plenty of people who did it and their babies are fine, though some peoples opinions differ from others like one girl i knew smoked while she was pregnant but wouldnt while she was breast feeding. i for one love POT but have chosen to quit smoking while i am pregnant as well for ciggarettes but id smoke pot while i was pregnant b4 a cig. its your choice. but if you are on medicaid they do drug test you when you go to the doctors and they have every right to call child services but if their noce theyll warn you b4 they do

  11. ask your dr. he/she can give you all the medical reasons

  12. you're just an idiot!!  Maybe it has made you stupid!!  My parents smoke pot, my brother, friends, and my sisters boyfriend.  My sister did until she got pregnant and smartly quit.  I can say from experience that you WILL **** up your childrens life.  We never had money to  go anywhere or do anything.  My parents always had to have their drugs first!!  We dont stay children forever and will eventually figure out what you're doing.  And it will hinder you from getting a good job to support your children.  I made the choice very early to not do it.  I cant afford it, nor have the time for it. ANd really what does it do for you?  My husband has a very good job and he would never in a million years do it!!  To us having money and a nice place is worth more then drugs would ever be!!  And our girls are gonna grow up and see the world not just our town!!! SO be smart and grow're gonna have a kid and still act like one!!  Oh and ask yourself if it came down to it...would you buy food for you and your child or drugs?

  13. they call it "dope" for a reason, its effects on you are pretty clear

  14. we all know its unhealthy to smoke maryJ pregnant or not but while pregnant ur not only hurting urself but ur hurting the baby , the baby will be born addicted to mary j , mentally retarded (the more u smoke the more mental it is )wit lung damage, and it comes out ugly looking , unnatural and sometimes looks unhuman

    u know with webbed feet and things u cant ****** imagine

    Man i wish i could show u a pic i saw of a baby who was born to a cocaine/pot addict(cant remember which )   in a health class i took , im serious it looked like them aliens we see in movies !  it died shortly after it was born and i think it was better off dying with the mess of health probs it had and the way it looked  it would of never lived a real life.

    this reminds me of a friend i have who is addicted . its hard for her but shes trying to stop .

    i seriously think no pot addict should get pregnant until shes clean

  15. Studies indicate that women who partake in the use of marijuana as infrequently as once per month during pregnancy are at risk for inadequate weight gain and hyperemis (severe, chronic vomiting) which can result in inadequate nutrition for the baby. The risks of prolonged labor or dangerously rapid labor are increased (both of which cause fetal distress). In addition, marijuana use can damage genes causing birth defects, cancer, attention deficit, other fetal-alcohol type issues, tremors, and vision abnormalities. Further, even infrequent marijuana use can result in withdrawal for the baby once born (unless, of course, you're planning to let the little tyke toke it up during his/her first few days of life). And finally, marijuana use has been shown to interfere with placental function and adversely affect the fetal endocrine system, possibly interfering with the successful completion of your pregnancy.

    In other words, the medical reasons to avoid marijuana are numerous.

  16. Hopefully you are not pregnant, but smoking marijuana is illegal whether you are preggers or not. Also, there is no medical reason you can't smoke marijuana while pregnant. It is a risk you take as the mother. However, the THC, teratogens, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxides, and carcinogens which are found in marijuana and it's smoke can possibly lead to various birth defects (like low birth rate and retardation). Anything harmful you put into your body such as alcohol, cigarettes, recreational drugs (crack, cocaine, etc), or whatever else can pose serious problems for that child. Unfortunately, there aren't enough studies available to say for sure. But common sense goes a long way....DON'T DO IT!  

  17. i agree with mom to a preemiw prince!

    but dont you just love how everyone is over-reacting like your actully smoking while you are pregnant?! geeze people calm down! its just a question! not a fact

  18. Marijuana crosses the placenta to your baby. Marijuana, like cigarette smoke, contains toxins that keep your baby from getting the proper supply of oxygen that he or she needs to grow.

    Smoking marijuana during pregnancy can increase the chance of miscarriage, low birth-weight, premature births, developmental delays, behavioral and learning problems.

  19. A critical step in brain development is governed by endogenous cannabinoids, 'the brain's own marijuana'. Studies conducted at Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet, with participation of scientists from Europe and the United States, are now published in Science and show that these endogenous molecules regulate how certain nerve cells recognize each other and form connections. The scientists believe that their findings will significantly advance our understanding of how cannabis smoking during pregnancy may damage the fetal brain.

    The formation of connections among nerve cells occurs during a relatively short period in the fetal brain. However, proper wiring of hundreds of millions of cells in our brains determine whether we can think, remember, move, or show emotions throughout our lives. For a nerve cell, recognizing its partners and establish connections with them is the key to survive and contribute to the control of brain functions. The process through which nerve cells recognize each other is guided by specific chemical signals whose availability instructs neurons to target or to ignore specific cells.

    Scientists have now identified that endogenous cannabinoids, molecules naturally produced by our brains and functionally similar to THC from cannabis, play unexpectedly significant roles in establishing how certain nerve cells connect to each other. These new and exciting results not only bolster out knowledge on the brain's normal development but may also take us closer to understanding if and when cannabis damages the fetal brain.

    Endogenous cannabinoids use the same mechanism, engaging the CB1 cannabinoid receptor, as THC to exert their effects on nerve cells. Therefore, the finding that endogenous cannabinoids control the establishment of connections amongst certain nerve cells convinces the scientists that they have defined a key mechanism through which maternal cannabis use might impair fetal brain development and impose life-long cognitive, social, and motor deficits in affected offspring. "Besides identifying a fundamental mechanism in brain development, our findings may provide new perspectives to identifying the molecular changes in the brains of individuals prenatally affected by maternal cannabis abuse", says Dr. Tibor Harkany who has led the studies. "This is of social impact given the continuous growing use of marijuana, the most common illicit drug, in our society."

    Earlier studies have already found that children of marijuana-smoking mothers more frequently suffer from permanent cognitive deficits, concentration disorders, hyperactivity, and impaired social interactions than non-exposed children of the same age and social background.


    It is always best to avoid drug exposure during pregnancy, especially during the first three months, but having said that, I find very little evidence that smoking marijuana during pregnancy is as harmful to babies as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. In fact, last year the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology published results of a study involving more than 12,000 women that looked at the association between using marijuana before and during pregnancy and the outcome of pregnancy. The researchers found that five percent of the women reported smoking marijuana before or during their pregnancies. Those who continued to smoke marijuana at least once a week before and throughout pregnancy gave birth to babies whose birth weights were slightly lower than the other women's babies although the difference wasn't statistically significant. There were also no statistically significant differences in the birth-length and head circumference of the babies born to the women who smoked pot. Based on these observations, the researchers concluded that smoking pot during pregnancy wasn't associated with increased risks to the babies.

    However, those findings may not tell the whole story. Earlier studies suggested that babies born to women who used marijuana during pregnancy display altered responses to visual stimulation, increased tremors, and a high pitched cry, which may indicate problems with nervous system development. During pre- and early school years, youngsters exposed to marijuana during pregnancy have been reported to have more behavioral problems and difficulties with sustained attention and memory than other children.

    Researchers don't know if these effects disappear or persist as children grow. There is also a chance that other problems may come to light later since some parts of the brain continue to develop into adolescence. Bottom line: There is no hard evidence that marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco or alcohol when used during pregnancy, but it's always best to err on the side of caution.

    Women who use marijuana at the time of conception or very early in pregnancy face an increased risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, a new study suggests.

    Marijuana’s active ingredient called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) interferes with the body signaling system and prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg in the womb, the study said.

    University of Nashville researchers warned that smoking marijuana at a delicate time immediately before or after conception might lead to miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies. The cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2 are located in the brain and are also present in sperm, eggs, and newly formed embryos.

    When the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), binds to these receptors a chain of events is set into motion. This culminates in the "high" experienced by smoking pot. During early pregnancy a molecule called anandamide, which occurs naturally, activates CB1 and CB2.

    Anandamide is vital for normal embryonic development. It is synthesized by an enzyme called NAPE-PLD and is broken down by another enzyme called FAAH.

    The current study led by Professor Sudhansu Dey of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, found that the production and breakdown of anandamide is a sensitive process and any alteration could lead to complications like preventing normal embryo development, transport into the womb and implantation.

    The researchers studied the effect of THC in mice and found that affects the body in much the same way as high levels of anandamide. The signaling process goes haywire and thus prevents the embryo from being implanted in the womb.

    In mice the researchers suppressed the activity of FAAH enzyme. This meant that high levels of anandamide accumulated in the body. These high levels of anandamide prevent the embryos from completing their passage to the uterus, thus compromising the pregnancy.

    "Marijuana exposure may compromise pregnancy outcome," said Dey, the corresponding author of the study, published in the August issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

    "This is a major finding, that if you block FAAH and disturb anandamide levels, there is a compromised pregnancy outcome. This occurs very early during pregnancy, right from the start of fertilization. This may explain tubal pregnancies, it may be one cause of retention of embryos in the oviduct."

    Dey said that all embryos in mice that were administered THC failed to reach the womb. "Our present findings have high clinical importance, since embryo retention in the fallopian tube is a significant cause of ectopic pregnancy in women, the incidence of which has markedly increased during the past decade," he added.

    "I think the effect should not be permanent but smoking marijuana mea

  21. You are inviting rants with this question. Better to do some research yourself, starting at your health centre. Sorry, i cant guarantee exactly what it will or wont do to an unborn child but i will not recommend it, based on what I have seen cannabis do to grown adults.

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