
What is the MOST important thing you want to teach your children?

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  1. To never, ever dislike anyone because they are different.

  2. Live Life!!

    lifes too short to care what everyone cares, just to be happy and be themselfs :)

  3. Stay in school get that education so you dont have to struggle like I do

  4. To love and take care and protect each other. Cause parents die and friends fade away.

  5. The main thing that I want instilled in my son, is to love and respect himself.

    If he doesnt, than who will?

  6. Morals

    Knowing enough to care enough about themselves and other peoples feelings, property and surroundings.

  7. Lots of things ,

    But i guess the ones at the top of the list would be to show respect to a person in order to have it back. And to make good choices. aka Think before you do something.Although i know that nobody's perfect and everyone makes some bad choices at times.

    oh and just how important education is AND to save s*x for when thier married.

  8. To never judge people and always think about what experiences led each of us to be the way we are.

  9. Other than the obvious respect others and be a good person etc..I want my kids to NOT smoke and be very careful with alcohol.  Know what s*x  is for and be very careful in your decisions while in the heat of the moment.  And finally, to be good drivers and know how to keep your wits and not do anything stupid or dangerous in a car.  But you emphasized MOST important so I'd say don't smoke.  Yo Yo  Life aint nothin' but bee-otches and money.

  10. To love themself. This is the first step to them being confident, succesful, and able to love others.

  11. working at a daycare the most important thing i will teach my kids are respect and discipline. i see so many kids who are so disrespectful to adults and its really sad. i had 2 boys today one 2 the other 3. the 2 yr old tried to bite the other teacher in there with me and the 3 yr old hit his teacher. thats disrespect to the adult so my kids will learn respect and discipline.

  12. Respect and to help someone in need,,also to never make fun of someones disabilities cause it can fall back on them.Also that family is important so dont take them for granted.

  13. To laugh and enjoy.

    I think the majority of people in this world take life way too seriously and look back on their time here and say, "Man, I wish I did X." I want my kids to laugh at least once every day of their lives, to get joy out of the things they have, the people around them and to not take everything so seriously 24/7. Don't be afraid to have fun as an adult. So maybe years and years from now when their time comes, they'll be saying, "Remember X? That was a blast!" rather than wishing they did a bunch of other things.

    Best Wishes =]

  14. Self Respect.

    This is the foundation for him making good decisions throughout life. And attracting good people.

    Of course then there's also to be loving and respectful of others.

  15. to love and respect other save important thing. learn how to  give and forgive.

  16. Respect and Courage cause i think people with those type of characterists tend to make it far in life and that is what my parents have alwayes taught me

  17. Integrity

    You can't have integrity without honesty and respect.

  18. respect for others and for themselves, discipline and how to be successful in life by doing what makes them happy.

  19. To LOVE all things. To LOVE all people. To be gentle and kind and generous. To be fruitful and multiply.(God Bless You Mr. Rosewater.)

    Hari Bol

    Sweet K: You have no business working with children.

    JellZ: You have no business being a parent.

  20. As others have said, there are lots of important things I want to teach my children (and I don't mean to bash but, saying please and excuse me is incredibly FAR down on the list) -- the first thing that came to my mind is to tell the truth. It's just one of the most important things I think and it has an impact on so much. Being open, being honest, being able to say what's on your mind, not being afraid to share what's going on, not having to worry about remembering whom you told what about what -- the truth makes it all easier and it lets us all respect and trust each other.

  21. To make sensible decisions, so that the consequences of their actions don't need to be "cleaned up" by their parents (all the time)

  22. There's so many things that are important. I guess a few of the MOST important things would be:

    *To love and believe in herself. These are the two most important things when trying to find a relationship with someone, if you don't love yourself, then no one else can. But hopefully she won't be looking for any real relationships until about 30 years from now, haha.

    *Morals. Self-explanitory.

    *Respect (for herself and others). Not many people these days have either of those.

    *Enjoy life. Her happiness is everything to me.

    I want my Daughter to go far in life. I love her so, so much I can barely stand it. If she's HAPPY, healthy, and successful, I will be content in life. She deserves the best and I will do my best to make sure she has the qualities to go far.

  23. well there are alot of important things but one thing for sure is to always say thank you please excuse me and so on.......manners are so important along with respect of others....the basics it seems do many parents have forgot to teach these simple when they get older i believe s*x education is very important there are to many teenage parents

  24. Be who you are and say how you feel because those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't manner.

    -Dr. Seuss

  25. Manners, Respect, Responsibility, The Law, and Good Credit Record.

  26. If I had kids, I'd teach them to use reason. With reason, they can discover everything they need to.

  27. To not care what anybody else thinks about you, and to not let people walk all over you...and most happy with what you have!!

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