
What is the Major difference between RUGBY & FOOTBALL(AMERICAN)?

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PLEASE explain and do not send me any wikipedia links i could have done that my self ;) thanks!




  1. rugby is played without pads and is much more violent

  2. the scoring

  3. besides the equipment, I'd say the stoppage of play.

  4. Rugby is a sport played by real hard men and american football is a sport played by a bunch of *******. I mean look at all that protective gear that american footballers have to wear, helmets with visors, shoulder pads, etc, etc.

  5. many say rugby is violent and brutal which it is but it is actually number 7 on the most dangerous sports list. American football is #4. Rugby is played by a team of 15 players on each side and has posts that are not as wide as football posts. Many people say football is w/ pads and rugby is w/ out. But, the truth is rugby is played with some shoulder pads and a scrum cap(small helmet w/ out plastic) Football has downs but, in rugby when someone gets tackled they just plow over the ball and people and the ball gets passed out unless there is a penalty.(someone drops the ball or passes forward) In rugby the ball can only be passed backwards

    -Hope this helps

  6. rugby is played by men, american football is played by nancy boys wearing so much padding a truck could hit them and still not feel it .

  7. Rugby is wayy more violent, thats the Major difference

  8. 2 Major differences: Blocking and the Forward pass.

    In Rugby (both Union and League) it is illegal to be in front of a team-mate who has the ball. In Football it is encouraged.

    When you are in front of your team-mate you are able to Block, that is physically push any potential tacklers away.

    Also while in front of your team-mate you are able to receive a forward pass. Something which is illegal in Rugby.

    Also in Rugby Union once tackled the ball-carrier has to release the ball and anyone can contest for it. Both Rugby League and North American Football allow the team of the tackled player to retain possession and run another play. These 2nd phase attempts are known as "downs" in North American Football. In the Canada (CFL) a team gets 3 downs, In the United States (NFL) they get 4. If after 4 downs if they have not gone ten yards their opponent gets possession of the ball.

    In Rugby you only get hit if you have the ball or are contesting for the ball. In North American Football the ball could be 40 meters away and it would be perfectly legal for someone to flatten you with a block provided they hit you in the front of your body.

    In terms of playing these Sports, Rugby Union Football is a vastly better game. Everyone gets the ball, anyone can score and the action is fantastic. But , if I'm going to sit on the couch with a beer and watch, give me the NFL. A great spectator sport.

  9. The discussions about "nancy" boy football players and "nerdy" rugby players is rediculous. I'm a senior and high school and currently I am on both the rugby and football team. I'm a no.8 in rugby and a linebacker in football. It is not true Rugby is more violant than football, yet is not true rugby is for "nerds". Like any sport it depends who you play against. Personally in my experience Football is slightly more violent because of the use of pads and ramming with the head. You feel safer so you go more all out from ten yards straight at each other. Rugby is often played with the teams too close together to get a full hit, and you are dodging to try to get the ball out. However saying this Rugby and football can easily be considered even because both are collision and not for the weak. Rugby is far more endurance related as well. But most importantly in rugby you can only throw the ball backwards and play never stops

  10. Rugby is a game based on core strength and physical team support.

    American Football is mainly based on tactics and running capability.

    Calling one 'nancy' and one 'nerdy' is a pretty large misconception.

    NFL players, have you ever been spear tackled by two 230kg forwards at the same times without wearing any padding or gear?

    And Rugby players, do you have the arm strength to throw a ball 100ft?

    Both sports are good, but comparing them would be like comparing a couch to a desk.

    Two completely different things in general.

  11. People that play rugby are pansies compared to actual football. In my opinion line up a pro rugby player vs an NFL kicker even and it wouldn't be a contest. Rugby is for the slim artistic/nerdy kids not good enough to play football.

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