
What is the Mayor on San Francisco thinking? Is he?

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  1. SAn Francisco he must be g*y right ?

  2. Don't believe anything in this tripe. Seriously, "Tony Baloney" is the victim? It's written by someone named "Cinnamon"? This is low quality propaganda.

    I apologize, both for the accusation and the insensitivity. Looking at the names of those involved, this really did look manufactured, and you should see the nonsense "articles" that get posted in immigration to justify the most horribly racist attitudes. I didn't look closely enough, and thought this was another one of them.

  3. He doesn't think he only screws his campaign managers wife with no reprocutions.....SF is it's own little country!

  4. He is not thinking, he is a disgusting representative of America and deserves to lose his job, lose all funding and to be arrested!!! I only hope Danielle Bologna sues the pants off S.F., California and the mayor personally!!! How can some people answer on here ignorantly when they have no idea what they are talking about!!! This murdering invader deserves the death penalty and nothing but!!!!

  5. This murderer was not an immigrant, he was a criminal felon illegal alien who had no rights to be in this nation.

    I feel for that girl who got her family murdered.  Totally preventable crime and no pro-illegal pendejo can every say any different.

  6. What kind of ignorant fool with no morals is going to compare some illegal piece of trash who murders a father and kids to an American who does the same thing.

    I guess some illegal supporters will do anything to defend their people, including murder.  They have no idea what it must be like to have for family killed by some illegal felon who should have been deported LONG ago but instead went to a pathetic sanctuary city.  Pro-illegal have no heart.

  7. This is what the feel-good Sanctimony City policies bring upon their law-abiding citizens–and on the rest of the country. San Francisco had two opportunities to deport a violent felon with (if you’ll read a little further in the article) ties to the MS-13 gang, and they didn’t do it. They can’t even plead incompetence–the sanctuary policy worked exactly as it was intended.

    The City of San Francisco wanted to keep criminal illegal alien juveniles like Edwin Ramos in San Francisco–or, at least, somewhere inside the United States. They were willing to frustrate a federal law to do so. And a devastating, preventable triple murder occurred because of their policy.

    I hope that warm, fuzzy, liberal feeling of sanctuary sanctimony was worth it to them.

  8. Does every other town and city in the U.S. have its police officers inquire about immigration status? No. Why not? Because immigration law doesnt rank very high on police department priority lists. Police in a city like Chicago could profile and arrest "illegals" all day, but that would mean less time doing real police work. This whole sanctuary city thing is a myth. It was never the police's job to enforce immigration law. If police officers are going to become immigration officials, then theyre going to need some help because they are busy enough as it is.

  9. So are you saying that US citizens don't do these things?  Americans go out and commit crimes all the time, and no one cares.  And when an immigrant does it, it becomes a big issue.

  10. SF is a sanctuary city (which just means city employees and police officers cannot ask people about their immigration status), but apparently it's not very well managed.  

    Please note that SF is not the only sanctuary city; others are Washington, D.C.; New York City; Los Angeles; Chicago; Santa Ana; San Diego; Salt Lake City; Phoenix; Dallas; Houston; Austin; Detroit; Jersey City; Minneapolis; Miami; Denver; Baltimore; Seattle; Portland, Oregon; New Haven, Connecticut; and Portland, Maine.

  11. I think it is about time for all 22 Sanctuary Cities to lose federal funding. The fed needs to get involved in this NOW! Once the money stops flowing, I bet they change their tune.

  12. Newsom is crazy - if one of his family members were the victims then his tune would change in a hurry.  But since they all get police protection that nobody else can get that isn't likely.

    gomanyes above me here likes to point out that Americans commit crimes as well.  That is true.  But why on earth would we go out of our way to import more criminals and crime?  Again if gomanyes was the victim then I think he could see the ease at which we could have avoided that crime.  We cannot deport American criminals but we can and should deport foreigners who commit ANY crimes, even minor ones!

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