
What is the Monster of Montauk?

by Guest66995  |  earlier

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Is it real, or photoshop, or viral marketing or something? The only pages I can find about it seem to be legit, but sometimes The Sun and Enquirer seem legit too. Any info on it?




  1. That's what a loggerhead turtle looks like without the shell.

  2. It's an obvious Photoshopped fake. Look at the shadow formed by the head and compare it with the shadow formed by the front leg. How can the sun be coming from two directions at once?

  3. i believe it to be a turtle without its shell.

  4. It's a fake photograph.  If you look at the shadow surrounding the head of the monster, you will notice that the shadow has a pointed area when there is not pointed area on the monster’s head.  The shadow also bows out and away from the monster's head, when the shadow should actually have somewhat of a resemblance of the monster’s head by indenting in certain areas.  Totally bogus and bad Photoshop job.

  5. *sigh*..... if the sun is in the top left of the pic, that pointy part of the shadow a bit the ear.

    It does seem real, but I don't think there is any conclusion yet to what it is.

    Some people say a raccoon with parts of it's jaw missing, I don't see it.

    "Four government biologists contacted by Plum were unable to identify the species of the animal from its photo and came to the conclusion that "no such creature exists," putting forth the possibility that the photo may have been doctored. But a graphics specialist at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services calls the photo—if it were doctored—a "really good Photoshop job."

    I like all the comments on what people think it is. And apparently this is the "site that broke the story" (

  6. I stand by theory of its a pig. Or something photo shopped.

    It has pig hooves!

    and a turtle? really. turtles without shells would have their insides showing, because the shell is part of their rib cage. duh. and also turtles have FLIPPERS not legs with knee joints.

    It DOES NOT have a beak. that is its nose, eroded away, decomposed and part of its top jaw.

    And it looks absolutely nothing like a raccoon. Totally different body shape.

  7. It is not photo shopped. If it was, they did it perfectly. The lighting and color blends are perfect.

    It could be a mutated animal that escaped from the animal testing building near where it was found. That would explain the thing on it's arm.

    I think it could be a turtle without a shell, but then I have never seen a turtle without a shell. Can turtles even lose there shells? They can't because the shell is part of the turtle's body.

    I don't see how anyone can say it is dog or raccoon, that doesn't explain the beak. That also rules out a pig.

    Kind of weird how only one photo has surfaced. They said there were lots of people there, but only one had a camera? That is kind of fishy too me.

    What happened to the body? I heard that an old man said that he took it and put it up on his wall. I also saw on CNN that 2 teenagers took it and put in a bag in there garage. When the reporters interviewed the teens, there were only bones, only a small amount of skin and flesh was left.

    I would have say that this is no photo shopped, but I don't think it real either. I think it could be a costume that was well made. I think that the people who made it just dumped it on the beach and came back and took a picture of it then took it away.

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