
What is the Most Respectable Seasonal Honor in the MLB??

by  |  earlier

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everyone knows that getting elected to the ASG is a joke nowadays, and even the gold glove award is turning into a popularity contest

so what is now the most respectable seasonal award a player can be voted for and win. the gold glove? cy young? something else?




  1. rookie of the year. you only get one shot at it.

  2. I think it has to be the batting title only because no one votes on it. Whoever was the best wins it so there is no chance someone who writers don't like gets screwed out of it like in gold glove, cy young, etc.

  3. I

  4. mvp or cy young

  5. roberto clementer award- given for charitable work

  6. Triple Crown Lol

  7. Cy Young or MVP

  8. Gold glove and Cy Young

  9. i think the roberto clemente award because it is an award for humanity and skill, on and off the field

  10. I think it is being picked as a reserve for the All Star game, because the players and the coaches fill the roster after the fans vote for the starters.  If anyone know what it take to be an All Star it is the guys playing.  I don't put a lot of weight on what the fans vote for or what the writers pick, because what do they know about playing baseball at the major league level.


  12. You may not get a trophie for it but batting .400 or winning the triple crown would be the greatest honors. out of the awards given every year than i would have to say the silver slugger b/c that is based on average

  13. the cy young. it proves that you are one of the best pitchers in the game today

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