
What is the National Dish Of Brazil ??

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i can't find it on the internet ..




  1. The fondler-a.k.a.-daddy- said he would visit us at the bowling alley, but ran away with william wallace.

  2. ? could it be because it originated in Brazil ?

  3. Monkey brains.

  4. feijoada .. BEANS AND RICE... just like in the USA.. redbeans and rice on mondays ..

  5. this limk should help u out

  6. brazil brazil.idontkno

  7. Every day: Rice and bean, accompanied with mean or fish or chicken and salad. This composition is to majority populations of my country. But the national symbol of food is the "Feijoada" and in my state Bahia: Moqueca de Peixe (fish cook in dende oil and coconut milk.

  8. feijoada

  9. Pretty much each state has its own dish but nobody in Brazil would complain if you said that Fejoada is the national dish.  However you will not get a consensus on what kind of beans the "national" fejoada should be made with.

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