
What is the Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, Finnish translation of "Century of the Helicopter's First Flight"?

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I need literal translation in those languages or ay other scandinavian languages. I need any punctuations and accent marks also.




  1. Punapetteri was close...

    "Århundrade/Sekel av helikopterns första flygtur/flygning" in Swedish.

    Århundrade/Sekel both means century. Flygtur/flygning both means flight.

    It sounds a bit odd in Swedish. Would prefer to say "A Century" or "The Century" but you asked for literal translation. =))

  2. "Helikopterin ensimmäisen lennon vuosisata" - the first answer is very much literal and correct Finnish for the sentence you asked.

    The second finnish suggestion by "puna..." would be in english: "the century from the helicopters first flight" and so is not a literal translation.

    Neither sound especially natural in Finnish, so I'd suggest this (only if it is not one particular helicopter you are on about):

    Ensimmäisen helikopterilennon vuosisata = the century of the first helicopter flight

    or: ensimmäisten helikopterilentojen vuosisata = the century of the first helicopterflights

  3. Första helikopterflygturens århundrade

    Like Kayla herself said, her translation sounds a bit odd. This one does not (not any more than it does in english anyways), it's literal too. If you don't have Swedish language support you wont see all the letters appropriately. To someone who's not Swedish the word "helikopterflygturens" looks really long, but trust me it's correct.

  4. In Norwegian:

    Århundre av helikopterets første flykten

  5. Århundret med den første helikopterflyv(n)ing

    As in much of Norwegian, there are alternative spellings, indicated above with (n).

  6. Here it is in Icelandic:

    Öld þyrlunnar fyrsta flugs (this one sounds a bit weird, but it's the most literal translation).

    Öld hins fyrsta flugs þyrlunnar (this sounds slightly more normal, although still a bit odd. A literal English translation would be "Century of the first flight of the helicopter").

    Öld hins fyrsta þyrluflugs (this one fits best into modern language, but this literally means "Century of the first helicopter flight").

  7. The above answer isn't correct Finnish.

    "Vuosisata helikopterin ensimmäisestä lennosta" would be correct.

    "Ett sekel av den första flyg med helikopter" would be the Swedish translation. Others can correct me on this if I'm wrong.

  8. Helikopterin ensimmäisen lennon vuosisata

    thats it in Finnish, supposing that is one particular helicopter you are talking about (my English is good, just want to make sure...)

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