
What is the ONE thing ......?

by  |  earlier

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You took in your hospital bag that you were glad to have.




  1. My makeup.  I didn't want any pics without it.  I can't really think of a better ONE thing I had...

  2. A camera to capture the first moments of my daughter's life.

  3. A little journal. I had so many feelings and experiences and rushes and tears those three days in the hospital... it was awesome, and I didn't want to forget it, ever. And I wanted my daughter to read about my experience when she was old enough to understand... like maybe when she's pregnant with her first baby! I got the idea from some of my patients who have done it, and it just struck me as perfect. Best wishes!

  4. Lotion and my hair brush.

    And my own shampoo and conditioner.

    The hospital pretty much gave us everything we needed, it was just nice to have my own personal things.

    A deck of cards and a book were great the second time around..

    sorry, I know that's more than one ;)

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