
What is the ONE thing you regret in your life?

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What is the ONE thing you regret in your life?




  1. I actually have a couple of regrets:

    Not saving any $ when I was younger.  I  hate living from paycheck to paycheck. :-(

    My other regret is not learning to cook my mom's recipes when I was younger.  I miss her cooking.

  2. They always say you shouldn't regret anything but to learn from them

    but I must say I cant help it but to regret it that I didn't get closer to my father as much as I could before he died but that taught me to be close to as many people I love and care about especially your family members!


  3. I just graduated from college, but one thing I recently thought about is:  I wish I got more involved in school activities as a child, like sports and clubs.  I moved around a lot as a kid, so I didn't get to do that too often.

  4. not finishing high school and allowing my mental disability stop me .

  5. Not going to Italy years ago.

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