
What is the PS3's and Xbox360 greatest Flaws.?

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I know most people agree the PS3 is in a bad situation maybe not facing Extinction but it "might" be around the corner.

xbox360 seems to be doing well or at least better then the 360. But there are some major flaws either in the marketing , design etc.

The PS3 did everything right based around the hardware and console. Blu-ray , Physics , powerful processor and GPU. Lots of extra features , backwards compatibility for the most part. In my opinion the PS3 only made one serious mistake. Exclusive game titles! Sony had Square enix , Capcom , games like resident evil , Final Fantasy , Armored core , Devil may cry , Grand theft auto ,and many more.

Now they have Final Fantasy and what?? Next the games they do have in common with the 360 have less extra content on the PS3 for the most part. If I were sony I would pay money to add extra content to games that Microsoft would not have the rights to release.




  1. ok i didnt read all your writting but i'll answer your first question.

    Btw I own a Ps3 and love it

    biggest flaw for ps3: lack of games, people think price. Every game with the exeption of like 3 or 4  has also came out on 360, but hundreads of games came out on the 360 and not on the ps3.

    biggest flaw for 360: the red ring of death. a study showed that almost %33 of 360's had the red ring or hardrive faliure.

    I have like five  friends who own 360's

    3 of their is still working fine

    1 of theirs got the red rings and only works 45 mins at a time w/ a towel wrapped around it.

    and the other thought he had the red ring, becasue all 4 part of the cirlce where lit up (not 3 which shows the red ring). So he threw it out of a window and hit is with a shovel, and has had to send it back to microsoft and wait like 4 or 5 months to get a new one

  2. its simple the PS3 has inferior games but more reliable hardware. Name one quality PS3 exclusive yep there are none very poor show on the games front which is after all why you have a games machine the frigging games. If the 360 sorts out the design flaw then it would be perfect. I own both tho the PS3 for me is just a cheap blue Ray player

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