
What is the Panjitan-e-Pak ?

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  1. Invincible is right

    These are Panjitan-e-Pak/Ahlul-Bayt:

    Prophet Mohammad (saww)

    Imam Ali (a.s)

    Hadrath Fatima (a.s)

    Imam Hassan (a.s)

    Imam Hussain (a.s)

  2. The Panjatan-e-pak are:

    Prophet Muhammed

    Bibi Fatema

    Imam Ali

    Imam Hassan

    Imam Husein  

  3. The Five Holy Infallibles namely Hazrat Muhammad (saww) Himself, Imam Ali, Bibi Fatima, Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain. 'Panj' means five and 'Pak' means Pure, so Panjitan-e-Pak means, The Five Purest Ones, which i already told you who they are.

    These are the people on which the Ayat-e-Tatheer in the Qur'an was revealed for.

    "And Allah only wished to remove all abomination from you, ye member of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless." (33: 33)

    These are the same people besides Prophet Muhammad (saww) whom He took in the Mubaahila as well against the challenge by the Christians of Najran. Imagine their Importance.

    The whole Qur'an glorifies the importance of Ahlebait (as) in various verses, and this verse is one of them.

    edit: hey thanks ...and shakila hope u got my answer (that was the main purpose to answer ur question of course in a fully understandable way).

  4. the first time i am hearing this word!!

  5. Its a word used among Shia Muslims only I think!

    I know as a Shia

    It means The Five(Panjtan) Infallibels(Pak).

    And they are

    Prophet Muhammad(sawaw)

    Imam Ali(as)

    Fatima Zahra(sa)

    Imam Hassan(as)

    Imam Hussain(as)


  6. PANJA means 5 and PAK means Pure

    They refer to :

    Prophet Mohammad (saww)

    Imam Ali (a.s)

    Hadrath Fatima (a.s)

    Imam Hasan (a.s)

    Imam Hussain (a.

  7. Sorry I don't know where did you hear this word...?

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