
What is the People To People Student Ambassador Program Like?

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I just recieved a letter in the mail today inviting me to "travel and study in Ireland, Wales, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands in the summer of 2009". This sounds so exciting! I have a few questions about it before discussing it with my parents.

-How much will it cost?

-How much spending money should I bring?


-Is it a lot of studying? Like do they test you? Of course I'm fine with learning a lot (thats my main reason to go).

-Do we visit a lot of memorials and other special places?

-How are the hotels?

-About how many people go that you are with?

Please, give me any information ya got! I probably will be attending the meeting.




  1. I got a letter to go on a trip to. This might help you with the question you had about what places you will visit. There are other parts on the website too that give a little more detail. I dont know how  much it costs, I think its a couple thousand dollars. I was invited to go to China last summer and Im pretty sure they said it would cost about 6 or 8 thousand dollars. Its really expensive! But each trip cost a different amount, so it could be way cheaper. Im pretty sure I read on their website that about 30 to 40 students attend. Oh, and you do stay with a host family for a night or two (I know you do on the two that I had been invited to, Im pretty sure you do for all of them). Well I hope this helps. The website below is for the list of places you go

  2. i dotn either i got one dad was reading it to me....i am actually scared i dont know what can i possibly do oveer go to Australia....i dont know....

    i saw the website it doesnt have so much info....i just dont know!hahaha...

  3. i don't have much info am usually looking for some but i got a letter today as well an is inviting me to travel and study in italy,france,switzerland and australia in the summer of 2009  i went to the wed-site but am not to convince yet

  4. i was invited too but i got two letters one is for a trip to china and the

    other is for a trip to italy france switzerland and austria but idk if i can

    go ive heard that you got to raise money about 4000 which realy

    scared me lol but it sounds realy fun

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