
What is the Polka-Dot jersey in the Tour de France??

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What is the Polka-Dot jersey in the Tour de France??




  1. Its also called the King of the Mountains jersey. It is given to the best climber. Each climb has points assigned to it and the cycler with the most accumlated points wins the jersey for that day, this can change every day until the final climb.

  2. Polka-dot jersey is given to the King of the Mountains.

    Mountain climbs are catergorized by degree of difficulty. or in other words by length.

    Cat. 4 up to 1000 Ft.

    Cat. 3 up to 2000 Ft.

    Cat  2 up to 3500 Ft.

    Cat 1  up to 5000 Ft.

    Over 5000 Ft. is "beyond category" or HC (hors catorgie)

    " I just think it mean Hard Climb"

    During the stages the first 3 over the easier climbs receive points.  On the harder climbs the first 10 over receive points.

    Points are doubled if the stage ends on top of climb.

    The rider who accumulates the most points will win the Polka-dot jersey.

  3. The best climber. Commonly titled "king of the mountains". points are won by reaching certain climbs 1st, 2nd etc.

  4. The polka-dot jersey is awarded to the rider getting the most points on categorized climbs.  Nearly all stages (there are a few without climbs that merit points) have categorized climbs such as a Cat 4 (smaller climbs) to Cat 1 (large climbs)... HC or uncategorized climbs are the biggests, they are "above-category" climbs, very steep.  Each climb merits a specific number or points for the riders crossing first, second, third, etc.  The finish on mountain stages also gives points.  The rider pulling in the most points gets the jersey.  Typically it is someone who went out on the attack on one or two stages and gobbled up all the points i.e. Mauricio Soler in '07.  

    The other grand tours have their version of the KoM jersey, the Giro in Italy has a greenish colored one and the Vuelta in Spain has their own as well.

  5. the rider that leads the climbing points race.  each climb awards points, and the rider that has the most points wears the jersey.

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