
What is the Procedure for putting on Braces?

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I am getting braces tomorrow. Can you tell me the procedure of putting them on step by step? Can you also suggest some nice color combinations? I already have my spacers.




  1. Some nice color combinations are:

    Pink & White

    Blue & White

    Purple & Pink

    Yellow & Green

    Make sure they are all light colors =)

  2. Pink and light blue are very nice color combinations. When they are putting on your braces, you honestly can't even tell what they are doing. They put a dental glue on your teeth and attach the brackets. They also spray this sour stuff in your mouth. They ask you to brush your teeth and then they do the bottom. After that you brush your teeth again and they put your wires in. They also use a bright light over your teeth so they can see what they are doing. You can't feel it all that much. Sorry I couldn't tell you much more, but you really can't tell what's going on.

  3. 1. First, they fit you into rings that go around your back molars

    2.  they put cement on your teeth

    3. Then they put the brackets on

    4. they use a special light, that activates the cement

    5. they put the wire in (that makes it hurt)

    6. They put rubber bands on the brackets (the colored things)

    7. take advil the next morning and enjoy =]

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