
What is the Psychology Behind My Health Care Professional Misquoting Me?

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I go to Planned Parenthood to treat an STD that I was infected with from a sexual assault. I was forisbly digitally penetrated. I explained the sexual assault in more detail as followers: "I was sexually assaulted when a man put his finger into my v****a."

However, I looked at my the copy of my file I requested and the clinician wrote "He fingered me in"

Also, at my next appointment I said to the clinician (a new one this time) "I had severe pain from Endometriosis the past three days"

She wrote "It feels like cramps"

I am just trying to understand why these clinicians misquote me. Is it becuase they are lazy and write down whatever skewed interpretation they may have?

I was also thinking that perhaps they purposely try to make me look ignorant and uneducated to further their supposed purpose. Planned Parenthood employees often argue that the women that use their services are desperately in need and they would not otherwise receive any care. Do they want to make their patients look ignorant, unedcuated, and low SES so they feel they are helping those that could never help themselves?

I am extremely irritated that they made me look so ignorant, attaching a vulgar term in my file. Also, "fingered" makes it sound consentual. I am sure a defense attorney would latch onto that misquotation to aid in his/her client's defense.

Why do you think they did it? I want to know why. Should I just come right out and ask them?




  1. They're simply lazy and careless. I'm a therapist and I take the time to write accurate case notes about each and every one of my clients. To misquote them is not only a breach of trust between my clients and I, but it can also get me into legal trouble later. Should you decide to go back to this clinic, tell them you want the information to be corrected. If they balk, tell them you will report them to the College of Physicians and Surgeons.  

  2. To my humble opinion they are misquoting you because they are trying to reduce you to a lesser person. I would completely understand this if you were enlisted, because if you are, psychiatrist purposely twist your words. You should talk to your health care giver and tell them that you are aware that they are misquoting you and tell them to modify the previous notes accordingly. Also, let them know about your psychology major and that you are an educated person. I am so sorry to hear about your trauma and I hope you will recover soon! Please make your opinion known and don't let them step all over you, just because they have a framed degree on their wall.

  3. You got it about right.  Doctors, nurses, psychologist, psychiatrist and other mental health "professionals" do the same thing.  They are ignorant, stupid, incompetent, negligent and mentally sick.  What you are writing about is pretty minor but it seems you have bothered yourself about it.  Ask to have it corrected that you prefer accuracy.

    Just remember that and if you ever practice psychology and don't do that yourself.

    Good luck,

    Lucy P

    $.05 please

    I have self diagnosed myself with tinnitus and it was entered into my medical records.  I know the medical word for ringing in the ears.  Except for a certain cause of tinnitus (there is one cause of tinnitus the doctors can actually hear the ringing) it can not be objectively diagnosed.  I also say urinate instead of pee.  

    It is a very good idea to review all medical records and keep copies of them.  Anyone that tell you other wise has psychological problems.

  4. Scrap that. I just read all the rest of your questions. Just don't go if you hate them that much.

  5. Perhaps they have a sense of resentment about your ability to interpret your experience and they feel they should be the ones doing the interpreting, since they are the 'experts'.

    Anyway, it looks to me like the classic infantilisation of the patient that happens in healthcare environments.

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