
What is the Queen's full title? Usually they say something like "...of the united Kingdom etc".

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What is the Queen's full title? Usually they say something like "...of the united Kingdom etc".




  1. daven is 100% accurate. Most people think she is Queen of England but she isnt.

  2. Style & Titles of The Queen :

    The Queen has slightly different titles in each of her realms.

    The Queen's title in the UK is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

    By tradition, The Queen takes an abbreviated form of the Latin description when she signs formal and official documents and messages, using the signature 'Elizabeth R' (which stands for 'Regina' or Queen).

    The 1953 Royal Titles Act reflected the fact that The Queen is equally Queen of each of her Realms, acting on the advice of her Ministers in each realm.

    Legislation on the Royal title was to be enacted by each country separately, allowing The Queen to adopt a title suitable to the circumstances of the country concerned with a common element, symbolising the role of the Sovereign as a unifying factor in the Commonwealth.

    Each title therefore includes a reference to The Queen's other Realms and Territories, and also her title as Head of the Commonwealth.

    The words 'Defender of the Faith' are also included in the styles and titles used by The Queen in Canada and New Zealand.

    The Queen also has other titles by which she is known in different parts of Britain. In the Isle of Man, she is Lord of Man; in the Channel Islands, she is Duke of Normandy; and in the land of the Duchy of Lancaster, she is Duke of Lancaster.

  3. Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

  4. Actually, Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom is the Queen regnant of sixteen independent states and their overseas territories and dependencies. Though she holds each crown and title separately and equally. In the UK, the Queen's full title is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith". (1953-present)

    List of the Queen's full titles

  5. It is this":Her Great Majesty,Defender of the Faith,Empress of India and Sovereign of all the Dominions;Queen of Northern Ireland,Icarus et non metu"

  6. I just copied this from some post made about a day ago, right here, in this category by JimBoB:

    Our Queen today has the official title of:

    "'Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    She is queen of : United Kingdom,Canada,Australia,New Zealand,Jamaica,Barbados, the Bahamas,Grenada, Papua New Guinea, and other small settlements.

    (His words...I thought of this question, and thought I'd contribute.  Personally, I had no idea.)

  7. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II  Head of State of the United Kingdom and her protectorates. or Territories.

    When greeting the Queen, you would say: Your Royal Highness. Females can curtsey. Males may shake hands, The Queen will always wear gloves to shake hands.

  8. The Queen's official style and title is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

    Click on the link and you will see about a tenth of the way down, where it begins "Queen Elizabeth became Queen on Feb. 6...,"  you will see the full title there.

    There are lots of people in Britain, Canada and elsewhere who are living without religion and we hate that 'Grace of God' bit and also we hate "defender of the faith,' plus the fact that she is head of the church of England.

    One of my favourite sayings lately is ... Health and happiness to her majesty, but I wish ths royal family would abdicate.

  9. From

    "The Queen has slightly different titles in each of her realms.

    The Queen's title in the UK is "Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith".

    By tradition, The Queen takes an abbreviated form of the Latin description when she signs formal and official documents and messages, using the signature 'Elizabeth R' (which stands for 'Regina' or Queen).

    The 1953 Royal Titles Act reflected the fact that The Queen is equally Queen of each of her Realms, acting on the advice of her Ministers in each realm.

    Legislation on the Royal title was to be enacted by each country separately, allowing The Queen to adopt a title suitable to the circumstances of the country concerned with a common element, symbolising the role of the Sovereign as a unifying factor in the Commonwealth.

    Each title therefore includes a reference to The Queen's other Realms and Territories, and also her title as Head of the Commonwealth.

    The words 'Defender of the Faith' are also included in the styles and titles used by The Queen in Canada and New Zealand.

    The Queen also has other titles by which she is known in different parts of Britain. In the Isle of Man, she is Lord of Man; in the Channel Islands, she is Duke of Normandy; and in the land of the Duchy of Lancaster, she is Duke of Lancaster."

  10. The current Queen is NOT Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.

    She is the only Elizabeth to have held that title.

    It's much the same way that James VI of Scotland became James I of Great Britain.

    The current Queen IS Elizabeth II of England, but only Elizabeth the first of Scotland, Wales, Nothern Ireland and the Commonwealth.

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