
What is the REAL name of Sydney's famous Toaster Building?

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I have stayed in Sydney's famous quayside "Toaster" building with some friends.

When I go back to Sydney I plan to go there again but I cannot remember the REAL name.

I know it is on 1 Macquarie Street or something.

So if anyone knows the real name of the building or a website I can go to,

it will be greatly appreciated.






  1. You are talking about the &#039;Toaster&#039; on Circular Quay, kinda hangs out to the water?

    Real name is Bennelong Apartments. Kinda near the rocks.

    If you type in &#039;Toaster Sydney&#039; alot of articles will pop up and perhaps one about accomodation. I thought people lived there and they were not available for rent.

  2. I believe the building is simply named &quot;No. 1 Macquarie Street&quot;. I found a listing for an apartment for sale there. It advertised it as being located in the iconic &quot;No. 1 Macquarie Street building&quot;.

    Under construction in 1996, the Toaster was almost universally panned as the biggest planning blunder in a lifetime. But the passage of time, and the abundance of cafes, bars and shops that make East Circular Quay one of the liveliest quarters in town, have salvaged this one-time disaster.

  3. It&#039;s the AWA Tower.  Not too many websites but this one was the best.

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