
What is the Redistribution of Wealth Called...? ?

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What is the Redistribution of Wealth Called When It Is Being Redistributed Upward by the Conservative Nanny State?

Why is THIS kind of Socialism okay with Republicans?

If a local, state or federal government gives money to business interest that creates jobs, isn't it just the government creating those jobs and not the business?

Why should the American tax payers be FORCED to pay for such projects as the new Yankees stadium to the tune of $800 million dollars?

Isn't THAT Socialism?

Why are Corporations allowed to Privatize Profit but they Socialize the risk? The US Government bailed out Bear Stearns and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

If YOU started a business and it failed, would the US government bail YOU out?




  1. Conservative nanny state? I must be living in a different country than you are. The last time I checked, the democrats owned the senate and house and I sure as heck don't believe in bailing out any business especially one that was so filled with greed that they were willing to loan billions of dollars to people for buying houses that they couldn't afford and did not qualify for. You want a nanny state? Never fear Obama is near.

  2. The conservatives have begun to implement dependency programs and no longer support the concept of independence.

  3. It is preposterous when productive people are forced to bail out for profit enterprises.  All welfare is bad.

    By the way, government doesn't "create" jobs, contrary to popular belief.  The best it can do is get out of the way and let productive people create wealth and jobs.

  4. Obama went overseas to promise the “people of the world” that he would end the divide between rich and poor nations, and said, “people of the world, this is our moment, this is our time.”

    Obama is running for a hostile takeover of the US on behalf of the anti-American international community. His plan is quite plainly to rape and pillage America’s wealth, and redistribute it to the rest of the world. His speech was brazenly candid about this.

    He has already put forth this very plan in the S.2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007, which he authored in the Senate.

    This bill, in fact will stick the U.S for 845 BILLION dollars.

    Thats $2500 dollars for every man, woman and child in America.

    That's in addition to the BILLIONS we already funnel into third world countries who hate us. It's coming up for vote, and I urge all to contact their representatives to stop this Obama atrocity.

  5. government should not have bailed the mortgage co.s. or anyone else for that matter.  they certainly had no problems letting the oil companies and the state of texas go bust in the '80s.  now they prosper and obama wants to steal the profits and redistribute them. what a putz.

  6. You are very confused.

    "If a local, state or federal government gives money to business interest that creates jobs, isn't it just the government creating those jobs and not the business?"

    They give tax breaks, not money. If the Greedy Corporation is to open a factory with 4,000 jobs, the state and municipalities will woo that company by promising to hold the property tax at a low rate for a number of years. They can do that because the vacant land is not being taxed currently. That is not giving the company money.

    "Why should the American tax payers be FORCED to pay for such projects as the new Yankees stadium to the tune of $800 million dollars?

    Isn't THAT Socialism?"

    Yankee stadium received special low interest bond help, that cost the taxpayer nothing. The municipal of NYC issued tax free bonds for 4%. The funds raised are lent to the Yankees at 4%. Cost no one any money.

    "The US Government bailed out Bear Stearns and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. "

    The government hasnt spent a nickel to bail out Bear Sterns. They guaranteed JPM-Chase that the value of the securities they were buying would be worth a certain amount. It appears that is the case, and their will be no funds due to Chase from the Government.

    Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are quasi- governmental agencies, and have always had the Government behind them in supporting mortgages. This is not new.

  7. Your question is way above the reading level on this site.  If you want a response, you should ask simple a question that has a trendy phrase in it like McCan't or Obamabot.  'Conservative nanny state' is too complicated.

    I would have to agree that corporations shouldn't be allowed to socialize their risk and make all the profit.  I would add insurance companies to your list of bailouts.  Shouldn't the government simply pay the people screwed by the insurance company, rather than bail out the company?  During Katrina, it was easier for a person w/out insurance to get FEMA money than a person who had been paying premium rates for insurance to receive their claim (if their full coverage even covered it).   And I completely agree that the logic behind funding the construction of stadiums is flawed.  Why not own your own team if you're going to fund an entire stadium?  Maybe you could even name the stadium after the team instead of some electronic company.  If I was going to invest in the construction of something, I would want a percentage of ownership.  A large percentage.

  8. It is the job of government to facilitate the creation of jobs, this (ultimately) is for the greater good.  The tax breaks or funding given to a business do not remove the risk taken by the person who starts the business.

    The money given to build the stadium will be re-payed by ~ 20X over the life of the stadium, I'd call that a good investment and for the greater good

    Lastley there are some companies that are so vital to the US ecconomy that the government cannot allow them to fail.  The result of letting these companies fail could have literally destroyed the entire mortgage industry.  Anyone that thinks the government shouldn't bail-out specific businesses is a moron.  What do you suppose would happen if US Air went bankrupt?  Air travel in the US as we know it would end.  The entire economy would be in dannger.  

    So again it is for the greater good.  Getting a common theme here

  9. It is called Change

  10. I believe it all started when the liberals threatened banks with lawsuits of discrimination when they wouldn't give loans to people who couldn't pay them back.  After they gave the loans, and people were over their heads, the government blamed the lenders. It's been a Democrat controlled House and Senate for 2 years. Can't blame other parties anymore.

  11. Just so you are aware, the Majority Democrats are the ones that passed the bill for the bailout of Bear Stearns and the Macs....

  12. Its called Taxes, and government spending.

    There is no "redistribution".  That whole charade is nonsense no matter what the government spend on.

  13. good point . in 1997 the government gave 3 times more in corporate welfare as they did in social welfare . im voting nader .

  14. Haven't you noticed how all the cities where commercial Sports Stadiums are being built at taxpayer's expense so privately owned sports teams can make even MORE money at taxpayers expense are cities run by Democrat Administrations ?

    I bet if you check behind the curtain, those politicians are getting big campaign contributions and free passes to preferred seats at sporting events.

    The redistribution of wealth is a grab for power and our founding fathers would have called it tyranny.

    Guess what, I do too.

    You can define Communism, Socialism, Fascism, or any other tyranny and once you get past the details, they are all tyrannies. They only differ in their approach. That is why our Founders gave us a constitution and a bill of rights that is designed to keep the government small and keep power spread as far and wide as possible so no one group can overpower the citizen.

    When will we start to apply the Constitution? It has never been done throughout the history of the United States of America.

  15. Be prepared for an onslaught of name-calling and obfuscation from the fascists here on Y!A. That's all it really comes down to; they don't have any kind of justifications for their beliefs, ideological or rational. It all comes down to scapegoating, feeling persecuted ("angry white man" syndrome), and feeling superior to other people.

    To answer your question, it's called the "Free Market".

  16. its all called communism and its all bull. thats why im a libertarian.  

  17. Failure to bail out the banks in the Twenties contributed to the depression f***y Mae And Freddy Mac are privately run Government businesses controlled by Democrats,To many Americans and businesses would have been affected if Bear went under,May and Mac gave lots of money to Dem Party this is a matter of record.

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