
What is the Rough ER, Smooth ER and Golgi bodies compared to an airplane?

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What is the Rough ER, Smooth ER and Golgi bodies compared to an airplane?




  1. rough er has ribosomes that make the maybe like those airplane waiters (forgot their names) that go around giving food?

    smooth er gets rid of poisons and stuff, so maybe a terrorist can be the poison and the security can be poison

    golgi bodies - suitcases

    edit: to the guy below me : it wouldnt make sense for the assistance people of airplane to be golgi bodies becuz they unpack not pack

  2. There is something wrong with this question. I am hoping that you don't become somebody I have to take orders from.

  3. umm thoes are parts of cell..... i have no idea how they could possibly be compared to an airplane.

  4. this question makes little sense...

  5. HA!  I never thought about making the connection.  Well, if the airplane was a cell, the carpet/flooring on the airplane isle would be the rough ER, the smooth ER would be the flooring in first class, and the Golgi bodies would be were the flight assistants prepare the meals.....

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