
What is the Spanish word for "black"?

by  |  earlier

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so much for freedom of speech, huh? five astericks. We can't hurt someone's feeling with a word! Phil Gramm is right...we are a bunch of CRYBABIES.




  1. Some how I get the feeling you people like saying N e g r o as much as youlike saying n----r.

  2. I'm white therefore I am a hater if I say that.

  3. i wonder how many other races are named after a color

  4. *****

    n e g r o

    I guess yahoo doesn't allow the word *****

  5. ***** not Stars *****! what the ****? awww c'mon...

  6. The Spanish word is "N e g r o" if you are referring to something in the masculine sense, negra if something feminine.  You may want to use Altavista's website babelfish for easy translations.

  7. *****...yep good O'l black

    OK...why the heck did that get censored...that was lame.

    Neg*ro....all one word w/o an asterisk

  8. *****

    Apparently yahoo censors the word.   (N*egro)

  9. Get a life....

  10. N-E-G-R-O. Thats weird it's censored. It doesn't even have the same feel as the N word. comeon! I can't even write about my black cat in Spanish on this site w/o people thinking im racist? The PC has gone WAY too far. (I'm of Jamaican descent and think this is craziness)

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