
What is the Starchild skull from?

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  1. That wiki entry should be read by all.  It is a fine example of pseudo-science and intellectual dishonesty.  It presents facts arranged in such a way to suggest--without explicitly stating--that this "starchild" is a human/alien hybrid.  In addition, it omits as an explanation (purposefully in my opinion) reasonable explanations such as hydrocephalus, a well-known and unmysterious cranial affliction.

  2. There wouldn't be any hubbub about this at all if alien fanatics hadn't latched onto it as purportedly being evidence of alien visitation.

    There is really nothing very significant about this skull. It was a deformed child, sadly enough. The kind of deformity seen in the skull (hydrocephalus) has been observed before. This is the likely explanation and there is no mystery. It is completely solved.

    The outlandishly unlikely explanation is that it is an alien or an alien hybrid. Well, mitochondrial DNA has established the mother was human, to no great surprise. So what now -- are we to believe that the father is alien and that human DNA and alien DNA are compatible to the point that the two species can interbreed? Stop for a second and consider that humans co-evolved with chimps in the same ecosystem and same planet and share 98% of each others DNA, and even so, human-chimp interbreeding is still impossible. Yet, we are supposed to entertain the idea that somehow, just by incredible chance, humans are perfectly genetically compatible with an alien species that evolved separately on an alien world?

    Yeah... riiiiiiight.

    It's answers to questions like these where you can tell the people who understand science from those who can only pretend to. If we are going to consider the absurdly unlikely alien-human hybrid hypothesis, we might as well also consider the cosmic space pig hypothesis. Why not any silly hypothesis that comes along?

  3. No one knows for sure because paternal (father's side) DNA has not been established. Certainly the most mainstream explanation is that of a deformed child. Likewise, the most controversial claim is that it is a human/alien hybrid.

    I applaud the StarChild Project for putting their ideas and beliefs about this to the scientific test and I openly condemn scientist that choose to dismiss this (or any other claim) without examination of the evidence. To ignore controversial claims due to your beliefs is not science it's religious conviction.

    Mainstream scientist and the medical community (perhaps even anthropologist) should have long since settled this controversy by making funds available to decide this issue  in the most conclusive manner possible.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

    p.s. thank you for posting the link in your question

  4. i did a question on this a few weeks back


  5. You read it in the article.  It's a hydrocephalic human child.  Poor kid.

  6. wat?

  7. Could be anything from a birth defect to inbreeding.

  8. the skull they found is only supose to be partly human

    if you look'd at the picture on the www search the eyes are human are all round this skull is not all way around there is a opening on the bottom by the nose

    the inside of the human skull is white bone color the skull of the star child is red

    they think terestrail and human that is why the dna is being done

    to see were the fathermight be from

    hey in my thinking were human they know what a male human is now if this is a tarestrail witch i can not spell right how they going to know ?? do not make sence but the skull they did find and running dna

    i found the land of lurmia also it is also on the www check it out like the land of the lost city of alantis

    just put in    lurmia   check it out    like the skull of the star child

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