
What is the Statute of Limitations in Pennsylvania For Felony Theft / Forgery and Receiving Stolen Property?

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I live in Alabama and found that I had an outstanding warrant in Pennsylvania from 2000. I moved from PA in July of 2000. The alleged crime was reported August of 2000. And a warrant was issued in September of 2000. The report said that I had stolen a check from my roommates, forged their name on it and cashed it in the amount of $425.00. The bank teller had identified me from my drivers license as the person who cashed it. I have not been back to Pennsylvania since I left in July of 2000. And Can they come to Alabama and extradite me?




  1. yes sir they can come till the cold day in h**l if you commited a crime then you need to serve the time or solve the problem.

    They will come get you or when you get stopped there it will be a problem for you.

  2. The statute of limitations only aplies BEFORE charges are laid.  It does not affect an existing warrant.

    Whether PA tries to extradite you for the charge is up to them, but you are probably also open to Federal charges, since you crossed a state line to flee justice.

    Have a nice day

  3. Yes they can.

    there is no statute of limitations once an arrest warrant has been issued.

    Given the nature of the crime, there is little chance Pa is going to spend the money to come get you.

    If however you are arrested for anything else, including motor vehicle violation, you will probably be held in jail pending notification of PA.

    It may be easier for you to contact Pa, and inform them you have just become awareof the outstanding warrant, and surrender yourself.

    the case may be too old to prosecute, due to unavailability of witnesses.

    It also may behoove you to write a check to the complaintant for $425.00 and ask them to drop the charges. It will much simpler and cheaper than a trial.

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