
What is the TOTAL kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp?

by  |  earlier

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A solid 1.0 kg ball of radius 0.50 m sits at the top of a ramp. It rolls down, ending up 10.0 m lower than where it started.

1) What is the TOTAL kinetic energy of the ball at the bottom?

2) How fast is the ball moving at the bottom of the ramp?

3) What is the ball's angular velocity and angular momentum at the bottom?

Now assume there is no friction. How would this change the above answers?

I know that for 1) you must take into account both the linear and angular KE since the ball is rolling due to friction. I just don't know how to show this and use it in order to solve for the speed of the ball. Once I have that, I know how to solve 3)





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