
What is the UNIVERSAL theme of Hamlet(shakespeare's play)

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What is the UNIVERSAL theme of Hamlet(shakespeare's play)




  1. "TO BE OR NOT TO BE"..."so like the king THAT was and IS THE QUESTION of these wars."

    Contrary to popular opinion, Hamlet is not an indecisive suicidal wimp.  He is a valiant soldier of the spirit fighting a desperate internal battle for the sovereignty of his soul.

    When he is not "from himself taken away," he is a humanist scholar.  But his true self is almost buried beneath duty to his father, and to his father's values, and to the medieval royal and knightly traditions of  killilng for land.  

    So the main theme is Hamlet's internal struggle between his humanist values based on reason and thought versus royal traditional warlike values.

  2. Do your own homework!

    Others may be daft enough to do your lessons for you but the last time I looked there was no sign of the letters 'm-u-g' on my forehead.

    However if you want to know where to start, you might try having a peek at:

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