
What is the US pronounciation for the word BURY?

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pronounciation for the word BURY




  1. you would pronounce it as straw berry...

  2. If you mean bury as in put a dead person in the ground, it sounds like berry. If you mean bury as a town, as in Britain, it's burry. I'm Canadian.  

  3. the U.S. pronounciation for the word "bury" is usually "berry" as in the fruit.

  4. American pronounciation for BURY is "berry" at the fruit......

  5. ber-ee

  6. Dear friend,

    To my mind it should be - Bu ...Ba     ry......ree. So, it should be pronounced as 'baree' in americal english.

  7. It sounds like the word berry.  

  8. Actually, it all depends on what part of the US you are talking about.  

    I grew up near Philadelphia and it was pronounced by most people as BURR with a Y.  BURRY

    Other parts of the country pronounce it like berry.


  9. berry or beree

  10. the same as berry

  11. To place in the ground: bury a bone.

    1.To place (a corpse) in a grave, a tomb, or the sea; inter.

    2.To dispose of (a corpse) ritualistically by means other than interment  or cremation.

    3.To conceal by or as if by covering over with earth; hide: buried her face in the pillow; buried the secret deep within himself.

    4.To occupy (oneself) with deep concentration; absorb: buried myself in my studies.

    5.To put an end to; abandon: buried their quarrel and shook hands

  12. Bury(bary)

  13. It's like Bear ee


    Burr ee

  14. bury = id-e-it

  15. Just like barry.  

  16. Phoenixt.. has the correct answer.  Bury, which word in the English language means to place underground or under something else above ground is prounounced the same as 'berry' --- the same as the ending of straw[berry] or black[berry]!

  17. Brr - e.

    (Brr as if you were cold, and a short e sound).

  18. BURY

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