
What is the Vietnam's weather?

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What is the Vietnam's weather?




  1. Weather and Climate in Vietnam

    Vietnam is affected by the monsoon, that's why the average temperature is lower than the other countries which are located in the same longitude in Asian. In comparing with these countries, the temperature in winter is colder and in summer is less hotter in Vietnam.

    Under influence of monsoon, and further because of the complicated topography, the climate in Vietnam always changes in one year, between the years, or between the areas from North to South and from low to high). The climate in Vietnam is also under disadvantage of weather, such as typhoons (advantage there are 6-10 storms and tropical low atmosphere in year), floods and droughts are threaten the life and the agriculture of Vietnam.)

    The temperature in Vietnam is high. The annual average temperatures range from 22oC to 27oC. However, the average temperature is different in every place. In Hanoi the average temperature is 23oC, in Ho Chi Minh City 26oC and 25oC in Hue. Some places like Dalat and Sapa have a maximum temperature of 20oC in the summer.

    Every year there are 100 rainy days and the average rainfall is 1,500 to 2,000mm. The humidity ranges around 80%. The sunny hours is 1,500 to 2,000 and the average solar radiation of 100 kcal/cm2 in a year.

    The monsoon climate also influences to the changes of the tropical humidity. In general, in Vietnam there are two seasons, a hot and rainy season (from May to October), and a cold season (from November to April the next). However the four distinct seasons are most evident in the Northern provinces (from Hai Van Pass toward to the north): Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

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  3. Vietnam is not one of the larger countries of the world but it's pretty long from North to South (over 1000 miles). Therefore, the climate naturally varies with the latitudes and also with the elevations.

    In the far North (above the 20th parallel, the Northern Zone or Bac Bo) where the capital of Hanoi is located, there is a semblance of the four seasons as we know it in the temperate world. The low temp. in the winter (Jan.-Feb.) can go down to about 35-40 deg. F. ( 2 to 5 deg. C) but in the summer, it can get to as high as 105 deg. F (40 deg. C). The winter is the dry season while the summer is the wet one.

    In the Far South (Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon and the Mekong Delta or Nam Bo), it's pretty much warm year-round but the Dec. -Jan, low can be down to around 60 deg.F (15 deg. C). The high temp.,  however, rarely gets above 90 deg. F (35 deg. C). The dry season begins in Nov. and lasting through April. The rainy season is from May through October.

    In between the North and the South, the Central Zone (Trung Bo)  varies in accordance with  the latitude, with the Northern part resembles the Northern Zone (Bac Bo) and the Southern part resembles the Southern Zone (Nam Bo). The exception is on the Central Highland (Kontum down to Lam Dong) where it's cool year-round (temp. from 55 to 65 deg. F (13 to 18 deg. C), with moderate rainfall.

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