
What is the WORSE THING Your SIGNIFICANT OTHER, Ever Said To You?

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Of course, if it's TOO Personal, Pick something further-down the List ;)

I admit I'm a scattered and hyperkinetic about certain things

...and He's "Mr. Mellow"

But, one time He called me a "Project" and asked for the "Instruction Manual" on Me.

It's funny, now -- but back then.... Ooooh, Boy !!!





  1. My ex once accused me of hitting his son. that was probably the most hurtful, untrue, and heartwrenching thing anyone has ever said to me.

  2. My EX used to call me all kinds of spiteful and cruel things after I gave birth to our son.  His favorite term was DAMAGED GOODS.  Now 6 yrs later I am married TO SOMEONE ELSE with 2 more children.  I have a nice house and a great job while he is homeless, jobless and single.  HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  3. I'm getting a lawyer.

  4. when he gets mad he can't control what he says.  When he says these things I guess he doesn't really mean them but i can't help but wonder if the anger is  helping him tell the truth.  I get bouts of depression and he doesn't understand them and one time he told me i should just kill myself, i never wanted to actually kill myself more than i did then.

  5. My ex husband used to always say that I had a "weak" mind.  If I got sick, it was because I had a weak mind, if I couldn't do something it was the weak mind, if I got upset it was because I couldn't control my weak mind....I suppose our divorce was just part of my "weak mindedness" too.

  6. "we're related"

  7. my ex was abusive so i was called every name in the book but what stuck with me was useless and an embarrassment

    my SO now, is not abusive but the worst thing he ever said to me was when he was caught looking at a girl's profile online, said he thought i could look like that (meaning fitness wise), i packed all his sh*t and told him to get out  

  8. My significant other has said plenty of stupid things and I'm sure I have too but his friend has to be the best.  My fiance propsed to me while we were on vacation this summer with another couple.  Whiule my fiance was proposing and the other couple was watching, the guy turned to his girlfriend and said "I could never see myself doing something like that with you."  Can you say what an a**?!?!

  9. man you got to lose that gut

  10. Believe it or not, after 18 years of marriage, nothing that I can think of.  Pretty much anything that would come to mind, I probably had it coming.  I can't even BEGIN to hypothesize what she was probably THINKING!

  11. One time he called me a heffer. It was not long after we started dating... I freaked out, and he said that he meant it as a term of endearment. I did not find it endearing what so ever, he has never referenced my weight ever again. It really pissed me off because its not like I am huge. I may be some what over weight but I am not a blob... and thats what he made me feel like. He was really sorry and I forgave him. We have been together just over 7 years.

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