
What is the Wiki Code for the color red?

by Guest67153  |  earlier

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I need to know the # code for it I have the code to do the font already




  1. Hello friend,

    This is call hexadecimals.  The answer you're seeking is #FF0000, which is red in hexadcimals.

    Hexadecimal means it goes up to 16 values.  From 0 to 9, then continues A - F.  A will represent 11, B will represent 12, and so on...

    There is actually a neat format to this way of doing it.  You see, if you split these pairs of numbers up it willl look like this: # 00 00 00.  The first set of numbers will determine your Red, the second set will determine your set of Green, and your last set will detmerine your Blue. (RR GG BB)

    #000000 is black (no colors exist)

    #FFFFFF is white (all colors are filled)

    #FF0000 is red (in first set, all colors filled)

    #00FF00 is green (in second set, all colors)

    #0000FF is blue (in third set, all colors)

    I hope that helps.

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