
What is the World's most environmentally unfriendly country?

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I need to know for a school project, thanks!




  1. mabey china due to ammount of people in small area..but i personally beleive don country is worse then another with exceptiong of jungle and desert countries,they probley have the least due to lack of gas powered machinery

    I think usa might be high up on the list also..from hairspray to our cars we polute everyday

  2. It depends on how you look at it.  If you look at deforestation, it's developing countries like Brazil simply because older countries like Great Britian already chopped down their forests a long time ago.  Likewise, China is filthy now but Great Britian was filthy 100 years ago.  The older countries developed at the expense of the environment and now newer countries are trying to catch up.  It's a worldwide mess with every country at a different stage of contributing to the problem.

  3. Ukraine

    Home of Chernobyl, and they are dumping all the old left over Soviet military stuff in the Baltic including old rusting nuclear subs.

  4. China. China. China.

  5. On a per-capita basis, probably Canada is the worst, or perhaps Venezuela, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia.

    The total amount of pollution in Canada is very great because of our extraction of natural resources, including of course our cursed tar sands project and coal.

    Because over half of China's pollution is in aid of exports, we should attribute half of her pollution to the countries importing those exports. Well, that holds for Canada too. That does put one enormous part of world pollution occurring in  or on behalf of USA.

    Honesty reminder: I live in Canada.

  6. U.S.A. which has ruined The Environment in all N.A.T.O. countries through military waste, bombing countries,Agent Orange in Vietnam, Bases in Germany with military waste not fully cleaned up, containers,paint, toxic waste around world, Nuclear Submarines, Nuclear Weapons in Goose Bay Canada, Corporate avoidence of environmental laws, not gearing economy for Solar Power, Paid Global Warming deniers, resisting Kyoto Treaty, Circumventing measures to stop Global Warming at G-8, other meetings. Organization could also be question . Answer World Trade Organization for reason  trade is not good for the Environment. Also ask which corporation is most unfriendly to the Environment.

  7. The U.S. our industries have not participated in any Kyoto Protocol since Bush has been in office. In fact he made the restrictions less on companies and did away with all the commitment to changes in our participation in the Kyoto Protocol that Gore and Clinton agreed to.

    Our industry is more technically advanced than any other industrialized nation with the least amount of restrictions.

    Don't belive me look up Kyoto Protocol.

  8. USA then China

  9. China, and close behind India

  10. overall: china

    per person: sadly the USA =p

  11. USA actually..

    you CANNOT blame China.. when its USA building the factories that pollute in China.. and USA is #1 purchaser of things Made in China

    Americans consume goods MORE per capita than any other nation

    Americans eat MORE per capita than any other nation

    Americans throw out MORE trash.. etc..

    At least CHINA was smart enough to enact population controls..

    (The United Nations has determined human population to the the #1 problem)

  12. Hmmm....good question.  I would have to guess, and I would guess maybe Brazil, what with full tilt destruction of the rain forests.  Wouldn't surprise me if I am wrong, though.  I think it's just that I think the rain forests are most important.

  13. Over all practices 2006 sensus China closely followed by America.

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